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Retrofit: Racing Wheel to Fly a Spaceship


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Hi all, first off I apologise if this is in the wrong section, I really couldn't think of where else to put it. Mods please move it if you feel the need to, otherwise let's boogie!

So I found my old racing wheel (Logitech Momo) and decided to try and fly some KSP things with it (rocket, spaceplane, rover).

My only dilemma is which buttons to put where. I figure that camera control and clicking will have to stay on the mouse so my aim is to replace the keyboard.

My plan so far:

Steering wheel - Roll

Flappy paddles - Yaw

Pedals - Pitch

Stick shift - Throttle

Other than that I have six buttons to assign, what do you think I should bind those buttons to, or should I change what I have already? Maybe switch yaw and roll?

Any suggestions would be really great :)


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Yeah staging definitely, unfortunately the buttons are just in two columns of 3 so no camera control :(

I reckon one for RCS, one for SAS.

I guess given the shortage of buttons the things I'm aiming to have are what an actual pilot would have, so no camera control or time warp, rather brakes, gear etc maybe?


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For buttons I would suggest the following in order of priority:

SAS Toggle

SAS Momentary switch


RCS Toggle

Increase Timewarp

Decrease Timewarp

Map View

IVA View


Landing Gear

I realize that's more functions than you have buttons, but this maps out nicely on a Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS and they're not too expensive.

In real aircraft, pedals are assigned to rudder (yaw) but I have no idea how astronauts pilot a spacecraft manually.

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I considered pedals for yaw but it seemed to make more sense to put them for pitch because I don't have it on a joystick and the analog input of the pedals would give me greater pitch precision.

so far I've got: staging, RCS toggle, SAS toggle (I never really use SAS momentary), gear, brakes.

Just looking for one more button and to lock in the pitch/yaw/roll controls. Thanks for everyone's input!


- - - Updated - - -

I guess I could do yaw on the pedals, roll on the wheel and pitch on the paddles? Not sure which way is better. What about yaw on wheel, pitch in pedals, roll on paddles? Aahhhh so many options!


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