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Commercial Contracts vs Science Programs

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tl;dr - contracts fine for funds, create Programs/Missions for science!

I've really enjoyed the evolution of the contract system, especially with some of the mod's kicking in their own. But I feel that it lacks the role-playing aspect that Kerbal Space *PROGRAM* needs to have before it goes 1.0. Hence, I have been thinking about how real space programs manage their various missions.

I'd like to see the current system focus more on generating long term funding by placing satellites into target orbits. The randomness of the science contracts are well, random. So I've been thinking of how to approach the scientific discovery in a more organic way. For this example, I will be using the Mun, Apollo style.

Programs "We go to the Mun, not because it is easy, but because things might explode"

These are overarching goals. Each planet would have one as well as various space stations, outposts and asteroid as the game progresses.

Once a player has reached orbit, Mission Control offers them their first Program. Each program would contain a number of phases, such as flyby, survey, lander, etc. The player would be able to select which ones they wanted to do and which to skip. More phases means more investment in the short term and larger science returns in the long term. Multiple phases could be completed in single mission or multiple missions, how ever the player chooses to go about it. If I were planning a Mun Program, I'd break it down like this:

Phase I - Flyby

Phase II - Orbital Survey

Phase III - Survey Lander

Phase IV - Manned Orbit

Phase V - Manned Landing

Missions "Captain, the 'insert technobabel' is acting up! She cannot take it!"

Once a Program has been created, the Mission Planning begins! This is where the player selects which phases they want to accomplish during the mission. For my first mission, I will complete Phase I and II, by placing a satellite in orbit. Now, choosing where to place my satellite is critical, so a series of options would be available (drop down windows!), which in the end would create a 'target orbit' that you can see in Map mode, like we have now. For added reputation, you can set an orbital tolerance of 1/5/10%. Science objectives could target specific Geomes for bonus science. If I were planning Phase I and II, I'd break it down like this:

1 - Unmanned

2 - Polar Orbit ~ 75 deg inclination

2.1 - Low Orbit ~ 20-25 km

2.2 - 5% Orbital Tolerance ~ 5% reputation bonus

3 - Major Geomes - Lowlands, Midlands, Highlands, Poles ~ 10% science bonus

Flying the mission, a checklist shows you how the conditions are being met. Once all the mission objectives are met, the Phases are completed and you collect your rewards and move on to the next Phase. If you want to send a manned mission your very first trip to the Mun and complete every Phase in a single mission, by all means, do so. The difficulty settings could be adapted to change how much risk/reward is when going for one or two phases vs. all five+. (I'm thinking actual Apollo Program vs. Interstellar "MATT DAMON")


Of course, going back to the Mun over and over shouldn't be as rewarding each time right? Reputation should certainly decrease by some amount each time, as well as funds earned for completing something you've done seven times. Science of course is not affected, bring a new toy, get new data.

And the icing on the cake that would REALLY make this game yours/mine/ours... an in-game Program/Mission Emblem Generator. Maybe a few options, different number types, colors, icons...


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Agreed, I've proposed something similar. "Contracts" for science should be Linus and Werner suggesting missions for your program. You'd pick a broad mission set (explore the mun) which would then open all the suggestions you make above as what would now be "contracts.

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Interesting idea! But right now science is not nearly so much a hindrance as funds. I think they're in the middle of a re-balance so this might change. In either case, I think it would be fun to be able to choose "super-missions", similar but more expansive than the current "Explore' contracts. They would be similar to the "strategies" in the Administrative building where you would commit to a certain theme (destination, type of contract, whatever) and then get bonuses from accepting/completing themed missions.

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I like this idea, not just because it suggests a great way for a player to focus their gameplay priorities, but because it has the potential to add a narrative to the contracts so we don't feel like we're getting random missions spit out from a mission generator.

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Was just about to suggest this, would be good if we started with a program that mirrored some of the early NASA ones, maybe with increasing payouts for each task completed.

such as Mercury >

Test equipment (capsule, launch escape, multi stage rocket)

get a Kerbal into space bring home

orbit a Kerbal and home

Gemini >

Test equipment (bigger capsule, space suits, docking connectors etc)

Launch two Kerbals

Orbit for a set time (doing science tasks)

Perform EVA



Apollo >

Launch 3 Kerbals

Flyby Mun and return

Orbit Mun and return

Land on Mun and return

Use rover on Mun

Return surface samples from list of biomes

Voyager >

Send probes to flyby bodies, extra points for escaping Kerbal SOI etc...

Shuttle >

Build reusable gear

Launch big science equipment (like hubble)

Use it to build space station

Then from there we get programs to visit and do tasks in each planetary system, and group them together so Duna and Ike are the same program etc... it would mean you get better rewards for achieving things such as a Jool 5.

I'd love this, kinda like a story or campaign mode that way KSP will be fully catering both to those who prefer a sandbox game and those who prefer clearer objectives and tasks.

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