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Thrust Deflection

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This just crossed my mind, with the new Aero update coming up, it might be a good thing to have reversers on your jet engines. You could rig something with two control surfaces that point inward and block the thrust of the engine and have the thrust go back and around the engine. (Would likely require flap/spoiler settings)

Thrust already imparts forces on objects. Think "Mass Relay". All that (according to logic without looking at thrust coding) would need to be done is to recalculate the direction of thrust, and how it affects an object, instead of having no thrust if the vector is occluded.

Under this system, if you had a jet engine (or a rocket, but it would probably break the part) and a structural plate mounted at a 45 degree angle to the engine, both attached to the same craft, thrust would be deflected downward (90 degrees to the engine) and you would be pushed upwards.

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VTOL jets with switchable engines, for example. (Providing flaps which can be toggled)

Reversing engine thrust for increased slowdown speed on a runway, or lack of runway, of which the second case would be even better.

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  • 1 year later...
17 hours ago, Gnoyze said:

With the 1.0.5 version, you now have larger and more engines, and it would be helpful to deflect the thrust of the large turbines without changing their orientation


1 hour ago, KerikBalm said:

both the turbofans already have built in thrust reversers

And this thread is from February last year. Before 1.0.

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