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Updated BFE-5000.


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Title says it all! For reasons. Too bad the original maker of that mod isn't around here anymore. Or is he/she?

I have the original files intact if you can't find it anymore in the interwebz...

Oh and btw if it's already here way before I've posted this just tell me :)

And in case you haven't heard about/saw it yet... here it is:

EDIT: If BFE-5000 can't be resurrected, I therefore request a brand new engine similar to it. Thanks!

Edited by Flixxbeatz
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Nope, can't find the original post of it here either. And it's already gone on the interbwebz :(

Also, the concept of original license on mods didn't existed back then (couple of years ago...) :)

The fact that the forum rules did not require one to be included back then does not invalidate the authors automatic copyright. Assume "All Rights Reserved".

Any creative work is automatically under copyright protection whether the creator declares it copyright or not.

Edited by Alshain
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Yup! Something big-belled that can attach to 3m parts. Worth giving it a try :D

Hm, i'm currently working on some 2.5m parts as a test (for filling the gap between Rockomax and Kerbodyne), but it's worth putting on the list; What were it's original stats? Does anyone know?

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Here's an update on the engine, obviously the engine bell and the pipes will need work, and fine-detailing and polishing all around.. But at least it's not a grey template anymore, texture-wise. I'm aiming for a "similar" feel, but trying to put a spin on it (trying to make it sort of steampunk-ish while still fitting in nicely with the stock parts, though we all know nobodies actually gonna use it in a serious rocket :P)

The textures for the pipes and struts started out as a temporary texture, but I kinda like the brass texture, so I might make a replacement that looks nicer. (Or, heck, I could just leave it as is)


I think the bell should be darker, i'll add some ribbing to it, and hopefully that'll make it look less barren and plain. (And also that small disk at the top? That's a Kerbodyne radial size. This engine is not just huge, it's freakin' SUPER huge. I hope the VAB can support it. If not i'll scale it down to Rockomax and see if that works out)

I took cues from the original engine, of course. I kept the half-sphere to cylinder to bell structure, and also the ring of struts.

EDIT: Also i'll need a name for the engine, of course. I'm leaning towards the "Hercules-314 "Titan" Engine" as an official, full, in-game name.. But if you had a specific name of course, i'll consider that (I'd rather not name it the BFE-5000 to prevent confusion with the original, this isn't an exact remake, just another "giant engine" mod)

Edited by Norpo
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Second update:

Made engine bell look nicer

Imported into game

A few scaling issues, but otherwise all is good, aside from an irritating texture seam which i'll fix. The normal map is a little extreme, I might need to figure out a way to fix that. Might be fine the way it is now, though.



Also, Alshain, I tested it as a VAB missile... For science! For fun! For explosions!


It worked!

Also, should I keep the thrust absurdly high, or try to make it balanced? Personally, I vote for extremely high thrust, throw gameplay balance to the winds. If I do make it available in career, expect absurdly high costs. :D


I just need to fix some seams, polish up textures, and fix a scaling bug. Expect a release within 1-4 days.

Manufactured by- Lying on the side of the road. Because you find giant rocket engines there ALL the time, no? Just me? Okay then.

EDIT: Also, expect it as a Kerbodyne sized attacher for the disc. If you want it in other sizes when it's released, try TweakScale. I'll make sure it's compatible. It doesn't seem to be as big as the original BFE-5000, but it's close, and TweakScale should be able to bring it up to snuff.

Edited by Norpo
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Looks awesome.

BFE-#### , where it's a different number, would seem a sensible name.

As for part specs, well high thrust but high mass, so sensible TWR, seems reasonable. The original - at least the files I have - massed 50 tons. For some comparison, the most powerful engine in the SpaceY pack is the Ratite cluster, 25 tons and 11,000 kN of thrust. I think KW Rocketry has something similar. So despite the comedy giant size, the BFE is actually fairly well balanced.

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Looks awesome. As for part specs, well high thrust but high mass, so sensible TWR, seems reasonable. The original - at least the files I have - massed 50 tons. For some comparison, the most powerful engine in the SpaceY pack is the Ratite cluster, 25 tons and 11,000 kN of thrust. I think KW Rocketry has something similar. So despite the comedy giant size, the BFE is actually fairly well balanced.

Thanks for the information! (This is the first mod request I've taken up, and it's been fun so far :D)

I may use gameplay balance, perhaps around 4.5-7x the thrust and mass of the Kerbodyne Engine Cluster. Maybe with a bit higher atmospheric Isp? (not sure if that would be realistic, but hey, it's a giant engine mod, what'd you expect) If you want more power, TweakScale should be able to provide. Not sure how big it goes up to, but last I used it it went to at least 5m.

I'll add a bonus "Cheater" config where the mass is low and the thrust is high, because going sideways at altitude 0m with atmospheric effects galore is just so awesome. I got to the Mun in around 10 in-game minutes just by burning straight at it. :D (Now, landing was a problem, it didn't exactly have what you call "fine control"). I was using infinite fuel and the engine with ridiculous amounts of thrust, though.

The pictures don't show it, but there's a nasty seam on the rim between the bell and the half-sphere. Before release i'll need to fix that (and the brass texture I just heavily modified off Google Images, so i'll need to get a new one, if I can claim the art assets are all mine for simplicity. I'll try to make it similar-ish.)

Anyways, my to-do list (in order):

fix the scaling issue (Done!)

fix that dang seam (done, I hope)

make sure it works with TweakScale (DONE! Sizes from 1.25m, to 10m (10m takes up basically the whole white chalk circle in the VAB)

there's a small collider issue, I may want to fix that as well, but it's nothing huge

Release! (Dangit Kerbalstuff, I wish you'd work :()

EDIT: Also, now that I fixed scaling, have a preview picture to get a sense of how big it is!



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