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SSTO #240158263 (Codename: Glenoid)

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*according to my (VERY OLD AND OUTDATED) definition of one :D

"The KSP gods have heard their pleas... then they maketh the R.A.P.I.E.R..."

So I suddenly thought of tinkering around and making my own stock SSTO Spaceplane (instead of studying for craptons of quizzes in the following days). Few prototypes, launches, stuck-in-orbits, sub-orbitals, and explosions later, I finally made one that finally works.

Behold, SSTO #240158623 (Codename: Glenoid)

Screenies captured during its first satellite delivery flight.



Heavily inspired by the Skylon spaceplane.

With FOUR R.A.P.I.E.R engines, it managed to punch through and insert itself in orbit with spare fuel left for deorbiting and landing back to kerbin. And it handles like a dream too! :D

inb4 elitistspeople coming in and criticizing my use of R.A.P.I.E.R engines, then asserting their superiority by telling that they've made one with the old LFE-Airbreathing engine combination.

[✓] Can take off?

[✓] Can transition?

[✓] Can insert to orbit?

[✓] Can deorbit?

[✓] Can land? [✓] Without explosions?

[✓] Can handle like a dream?

[✓] Can maneuver in space?

And there it goes!

Here's the video during its first mission:

Landing video coming up!

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I haven't seen people being criticized for their use of engines, is this common? My latest spaceplane uses 2x turbojets 1x RAPIER and 2x aerospikes, which gives a decent pwr for all phases of flight. I'd dislike having to defend a design choice that was mine to make.

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