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First Duna Mission Plans (full mission in near future!)


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I've been to the Mun and Minmus (with a little bit of Mechjeb). It was great. But now, I must go interplanetary. To Duna. How? By doing impractically annoying but cool-in-the-outcome things! Also, this is a heavily modded install.

What will be done (if kerbals don't die):

A lander will visit Duna, and drop off a small BASE.

You see, the lander has a stage where it lands on the planet, then a stage to get off the planet. Now, the base will be there until I need to rescue the Kerbals, so they don't starve.

You may be asking "Starve? How?" Well, I have a simplified life support mod which adds Snacks. If a kerbal runs out of snacks.. they don't die but let's pretend they do.

Mod link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90841-0-90-Snacks!-Kerbal-simplified-life-support-v0-3-3

I will post pictures of the finished project and it's development.

The lander will dock with a rocket which shall get a crew of alot home. The rest of the (I think) 4 crew will be at the base.

I hope this works.

(I'm using a not as tall version of the Hitchhiker from a random mod, and it only houses 2 kerbals. Dissapointing.)


Edited by polan
i'm stupid
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