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It is disapointing that Squad won't work on 64 bit Windows.

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Honestly, I've never had a problem with 64 bit except for one time my game crashed for no apparent reason. I doubt it was a cause of 64bit though. Recently (actually, the day before they announced they would be discontinuing 64bit support) I migrated over to 32bit because I wanted the career mode to work correctly. Since then, I've seen no difference in 32bit v 64bit, other than the fact that 32bit works better in general.

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Honestly, I've never had a problem with 64 bit except for one time my game crashed for no apparent reason. I doubt it was a cause of 64bit though. Recently (actually, the day before they announced they would be discontinuing 64bit support) I migrated over to 32bit because I wanted the career mode to work correctly. Since then, I've seen no difference in 32bit v 64bit, other than the fact that 32bit works better in general.

At least I know I'm not the only one who keeps a 32 bit career mode install. My stock game is 32 bit stock and that WILL be rolling forward to 1.0 (even though I continue to insist it should be 0.91 but thats a different discussion). My 64 bit 0.25 (the one I keep with Astronomers Visual Pack) loads to 5.5GB of RAM. There's no compression mod or rendering protocol forcing in the world that will get THAT to run 32 bit. :sticktongue:

Boy is it beautiful though.

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Not me. I never forgo new things just because I liked the way something was before. Conservatism isn't in my mindset, in truth. Sure, 64-bit isn't easily available, but it may not even be needed if they do a good thorough optimisation run through during the development cycle this time around.

Time will tell exactly what happens, of course, but being overly negative just because something changes never gets us anywhere. :)

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why would they need a 64bit editor? the compiler makes it 64bit ready not the editor

It's much, much easier to find and try to fix 64-bit specific issues if you have a 64-bit aware editor and debugger. That's not available in Unity 4, but will be with Unity 5.

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I'm pretty done too hearing this. I dont blame Squad, not at all, but I was already rather unsupportive of 1.0 (I am one who remains adamant that they should do a 0.91 release first even if 1.0 comes a week or two later) and this is kind of a nail in the coffin.

I rolled my 64 bit back to 0.25 because 0.90 was so unstable that I got a native 64 bit crash for the first time. Given the option is no longer even available until Unity 5 becomes a thing, I'm probably going to stop following KSP for a while and just focus on playing the version I have which works and does what I want.

I still keep a stock career mode game which I will update, but that is kind of a killer for me, so 0.25/0.90 will be my go-tos for quite some time, at least until unity gets their sh*t squared away and Squad gives us a new version.

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Well, since I run on Linux, and the x64 Linux client is (almost) totally stable, I probably won't version freeze unless something totally unforseen happens.

As for Squad pulling the Windows x64 client, I applaud the move. It's refreshing to see companies pull a buggy product.

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I've been running 32 bit expecting 64 on windows was a lost cause. I look forward to 1.0.

I'm hoping for that optimization run too. We could have nearly all the mods we wanted in 32 bit if the game didn't need/want to load absolutely everything all the time and utilize VRAM better.

I for one would much prefer mass effect 1 on the xbox style texture pop-in if necessary if it meant that everything wasn't loaded into RAM all the time.

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The whole Windows 64-bit thing was a debacle. It started out with somebody hacking together a 64-bit version, which would have been fine if Squad didn't make an official version. People think 64-bit is some silver bullet, it's not. The time that modders had wasted trying to fix bugs that were 64-bit was a tragedy. If people want to hack together 64-bit, fine, but don't expect support from Squad.

This! This right here! I think the only reason Squad even considered a 64-bit release was because so many people used this hack without issue, then issues started popping up, and they got innundated with people saying "It doesn't work, fix it." despite the problems not being Squad's fault.

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x64 version will continues, but no for 1.0. Squad said they will take care of it Soonâ„¢.

Squad cannot in fact make any statements on this with accuracy because it is entirely dependent on Unity getting it together. Without a 64 bit editor (which isn't available until Unity 5), it is near impossible to debug 64 bit issues. On top of that, part of the issues are rooted in the Unity 4.2.1 code which Squad cannot actually fix unless they basically decompile, alter, then redistribute the Unity engine, which, needless to say, is a rather major license violation and would not end well at all.

TL;DR 64 bit windows is entirely dependent on Unity actually making progress, which means don't get your hopes up. We are, after all, talking about an engine that is still 32 bit in a rather major 64 bit era (heck, some games I play/follow are dropping 32 bit entirely).

Edited by Master Tao
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