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The Crusty 2: the most ridiculously high-G turner I've ever built.

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Hello all. I decided to design a spacecraft today, one that would be able to fly at incredibly low speeds. But once I finally finished it, I discovered some interesting side-effects of the design.


Looks like it would maneuver like a sofa, right?


I thought that too, but this thing is RIDICULOUS. I put it into a turn just above KSC to see how bad it was, and I got this:


36.5 Gs. And all stock too. With only one engine, at no more than 200m/s on a horizontal prograde. The record in a challenge on these forums a while ago was 23g. Pssh. That's nothin'. It also flies slightly upwards of where your craft is pointed, which is fun. No only can it pull INSANE Gs, you can also do this:


Mash whatever key you have bound to stick-back, elevators up, whatever you want to call pulling up, and it will spin 180 degrees and will almost come to a complete stop midair (since the engine is pointing prograde), and you can do crazy tight turns like this one.

Then, I decided I would see how much it could lift with the angled lift surfaces and all.


That's a 7.22 TON(NE?) module (modded, but it's just what I had on hand that was heavy, the actual aircraft is stock). The craft weighs 7.4 t, so it can lift a LOT of weight (I think that's a lot, it seems like a lot)

Major flaws? Just fuel balancing, since all of the fuel is right on the nose. This can be remedied with more fuel, balancing skills, and maybe alt+f12, if that's your style. I'm bad at all of those, so flights are currently limited to only a moderate time of brain-melting Gs. Oh, and don't forget SAS.

In all, it's just a CRAZY aircraft. It's way too much fun to fly, too.

.craft file download here.

Enjoy! :P

Edited by YourEverydayWaffle
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