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RaptorX-22 SSTO - Easy to fly with payload bay!

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My newest creation is an SSTO which can deliver a small payload into LKO. Easy to fly, gets into LKO with fuel to spare.

Pics, vids, and download below. Enjoy!

Craft: RaptorX-22

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My attempt at making a simple SSTO that is easy to fly. Features a cargo bay and can deliver a small payload int LKO. Hope you enjoy.

Craft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B85Yjo0AawAyaHNpYXd6MERZUjA/view?usp=sharing


RaptorX-22 Flight Manual

Action Groups:

1. Switch Main Engine Mode

2. Toggle Jet Engines.

3. Toggle Antennas.

4. Toggle Solar Panels.

5. Toggle Cargo Bay Door.

Ascent Guide:

1. Activate first stage.

2. Throttle up to 100%.

3. Once speed has reached 90 m/s pull back and liftoff.

4. Pitch to 45 degrees above the horizon.

5. Climb to 10,000 m then pitch down to 25 degrees.

6. Climb to 15,000 m then pitch down to 20 degrees.

7. Once you have reached 21,000 m, activate action group 1 to switch main engine mode.

8. Continue to 24,000 m, then activate action group 2 to disable jet engines. Immediately pitch up to 45 degrees.

9. Continue until Apoapsis reaches 60,000 m then aim prograde.

10. Once Apoapsis reaches apprx 73,000 m, then cut throttle to 0.

11. Coast to Apoasis then execute circularization burn.

12. Activate action groups 3 and 4 to deploy solar panels and antennas.

Descent Guide:

1. Execute retrograde burn.

2. Activate action groups 3 and 4 to retract solar panels and antennas.

Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS):

Stage 2 activates the OMS. This can be used as an extra boost when getting a heavier payload into orbit or to achieve higher orbits.


Kerbal Space Program - Developed by Squad - www.kerbalspaceprogram.com

Edited by MoonMan22
Added flight instructions
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Are the Blue -and- Red lights from landing gears are STOCK? How can I use them?

Anyway, Amazing Video. Awesome.!

Yes, when in the SPH or VAB just right click on any light and you can change the RGB values as kyyscv said.

Thank you! and glad you enjoyed!

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