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[WIP] K-Radiation (Space radiation!) (Media is up!)


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Do you think you could release a development download? for those who want to murder kerbals in cold blood throw probes into dangerous situations to intentionally damage them test the limits of the parts while flying a probe into Kerbol doing close range scans of the sun

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Sorry for inactivity!

I have had almost no time to work on the mod...

I hope i have some time soon to work on this, for now, i will be adding stuff slowly.

The first quick release will be a GUI with the radiation on it, so you can find if the radiation bugs out on some situations, etc... But no actual gameplay features.

Cheers! :D

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another quick question... will you provide the Ra'bee'ated release download on this page? Or will it be hidden away somewhere on a Github page? It would probably help if you made the download link available on the OP, as well as had a link of it on KerbalStuff, especially since allot of people use KS rather than this forum

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Hate to pester you, but, how's the mod going? I'd love to use this mod and brutally murder my kerbals fry my probes and cause solar panels and batteries to suddenly die. But if all you have is probes "crashing" and something like that, I'd take it... something to make the game a weee bit harder.

At the moment I actually CAN'T run KSP with a manned crew, only because I loose all my frames due to rendering the Kerbals and the IVA. So probes, for me, are pretty much the only thing I can do ;n;

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Sorry for inactivity, i have been ill all this time :mad:

I should be able to upload the release soon, but remember, just a GUI! :)

Also, now trying to make getting to deep into Jool make radiation go up. (Which should not be hard, just making sure i don't break the other things)

The code simply makes atmospheres shield you from radiation, and, it will be fun to have a descent into Jool be a very radioactive enviroment.

Cheers! :D

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When I saw the title of this thread which stated "media is up" I have hoped to see a Kerbal with obvious signs of radiation poisoning and an obvious radioactive glow. Now I'm sad.

- - - Updated - - -

  tajampi said:
Sorry for inactivity, i have been ill all this time :mad:

I should be able to upload the release soon, but remember, just a GUI! :)

Also, now trying to make getting to deep into Jool make radiation go up. (Which should not be hard, just making sure i don't break the other things)

The code simply makes atmospheres shield you from radiation, and, it will be fun to have a descent into Jool be a very radioactive enviroment.

Cheers! :D

As for that, I'd think if "atmospheres shield you from radiation" then simply giving Jool a false atmosphere that crosses the wires on that protection function would do the trick. The further you go in, the more likely you are to grow an extra limb with it's own sentience from your left ear that will try to devour you and assume your identity, only to return to Kerbin and kille evryone you ever loved and, even worse, eat all of your kerbal-snack stocks you've been saving for the end of the world.

- - - Updated - - -

  Drakoflame said:
Hate to pester you, but, how's the mod going? I'd love to use this mod and brutally murder my kerbals fry my probes and cause solar panels and batteries to suddenly die. But if all you have is probes "crashing" and something like that, I'd take it... something to make the game a weee bit harder.

At the moment I actually CAN'T run KSP with a manned crew, only because I loose all my frames due to rendering the Kerbals and the IVA. So probes, for me, are pretty much the only thing I can do ;n;

Nice to know someone's trying to run KSP on a worse PC setup than I am. You sure know how to brighten a man's day.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

This needs more attention. Sommone else HAS got to feel this is the only big realism niche not yet filled, and this is currently the only mod to do such a thing. Leaving this to rot would be a very big mistake on the part of the community.

Edited by Spacepetscompany
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for not posting about this sooner. I have adopted the mod and it will be a joint project between me and my roommate. He happens to know a ton about radioactivity since he is studying nuclear engineering. We have been discussing what our plans are for K-radiation, and we will be making a new thread for this soon.

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For the revision there is something I want to make clear, I don't know if the mod is doing this, but it probably isn't, there are different types of radiation. Sure radiation from the sun an in Van Allen belts is bad because there is a lot of it, but these particles are small and not traveling very fast, an inch or so of matter will stop almost all of this type of radiation. Then there are cosmic rays, they come in from every direction from interstellar space(so they're not so bad inside a planet's magnetosphere) and are less serious in unshielded environments that low energy radiation, but they are very heavy particles traveling very fast. It takes several tons per square meter of shielding to stop this radiation, and almost no-one thinks about this. If you have a lightly shielded pod, you will experience way less radiation in Jool's Van Allen belts than in interstellar space because Jool's magnetosphere is large enough to deflect and slow the cosmic rays. In conclusion, the difference between shielding against low energy radiation and cosmic rays is like the difference between shielding against an army of archers and 5 or so modern snipers.

My dad and I are working on a game called High Frontier, and had to do a lot of research on radiation here is our wiki page on the subject.

Edited by kStrout
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