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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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Hmm so far no nulls, i did grab a kerbal when i did it and the ship started to spin, also when i paused it did not pause ... (if that makes sense XD) and i noticed nothing like this when i did a suborbital flight with my shuttle. If it crops up again i will tell you and give you the log :)

Edit: really funny bug report: when you scroll in and out the sound of the arm gets more or less high pitched XD

Edited by montyben101
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Got the bug again when landing, the log:

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntennaPassive: OnDestroy

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

RemoteTech: AntennaManager: Unregister(ModuleRTAntennaPassive(Name: TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer, Guid: 676bf844-abe2-455d-a61a-d2f7ed2e7dfe, Omni: 5000))

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

RemoteTech: AntennaManager: OnUnregister(TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer)

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Can't remove Strut (Script) because PartBuoyancy (Script) depends on it

(Filename: Line: 1302)

RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntennaPassive: OnDestroy

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

RemoteTech: AntennaManager: Unregister(ModuleRTAntennaPassive(Name: TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer, Guid: 931c060e-4a17-4735-a123-3525feb5991b, Omni: 5000))

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

RemoteTech: AntennaManager: OnUnregister(TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer)

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Can't remove Strut (Script) because PartBuoyancy (Script) depends on it

(Filename: Line: 1302)


at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter:get_minEmission ()

at UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter.Emit () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at FXGroup.Burst () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.force_activate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)


at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter:get_minEmission ()

at UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter.Emit () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at FXGroup.Burst () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.force_activate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)


at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter:get_minEmission ()

at UnityEngine.ParticleEmitter.Emit () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at FXGroup.Burst () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.force_activate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

PartModule is null.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

PartModule is null.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

PartModule is null.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

PartModule is null.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntennaPassive: OnDestroy

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

[sTS-2 Debris]: landed - waiting for ground contact to resume physics...

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

PartModule is null.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

PartModule is null.

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If you want to play with fire, rip "random" parts out of my source code, put it together in a plugin and see what happends :P

I'm quite sure those are not "random" parts :) Though, you're right that more care needs to be taking, than simply setting the attributes i posted. For example, according to TT loading distance needs to be reset while switching vessels, and then set again (which might result in race conditions). From what i can tell, you're elegantly avoiding this, by letting the engine do this checking: You keep an instance of the class attached to the craft, and then if the craft during vessel switch is removed, you destroy the instance. At least, that's how i understand it - maybe the instance-destruction actually covers even more situations as a sideeffect.

Still, it is basically those attributes i posted that do stuff. The rest is just handling WHEN to do it, and when not to do it.

It is true that lazor resets the loading distances to default when timewarping and automatically restores your setting once timewarp is disengaged. The reason is quite simple: Say you have 10 vessels landed on the surface somewhere, you have a lazor enabled craft in orbit within the set loading distance from the landed vessels. If you then timewarp at max timewarp you will then rapidly load and unload those vessels every time you make a pass. This will eventually lead to a crash because the engine can't handle loading and unloading that fast.

If that happens on high time acceleration, because of rapid orbiting, then why potentially destroy vessels as soon as timewarp is not exactly 1? If someone i.e. were to set timewarp to 4 in the atmosphere, there is no reason to wipe anything outside of a 2km radius, no? If what you explained is the only reason, then i'd simply change that codeline to:

if(TimeWarp.CurrentRate > 99)

Right? After all, no one is gonna set timewarp to 100 in the atmosphere - and if he does, he'll have other "problems" anyways?

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  Romfarer said:
Timewarping within the atmoshere makes extra stress on your own craft as im sure you have noticed. Imagine the stress on vessels far away.



Do you propose to kill them preemptively, so that we don't have to hear them scream over the radio?

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  rynak said:


Do you propose to kill them preemptively, so that we don't have to hear them scream over the radio?

I'm confused. The extended loading range of my plugin sure adds stress on the engine and it is to be expected, after all there is a good reason why the loading range was set the way it is within the game. It was never the goal of my plugin to destroy any crafts or kerbals automatically, but sure, careless use of it will in some cases bring havoc where you don't expext it.

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  Romfarer said:
I'm confused. The extended loading range of my plugin sure adds stress on the engine and it is to be expected, after all there is a good reason why the loading range was set the way it is within the game. It was never the goal of my plugin to destroy any crafts or kerbals automatically, but sure, careless use of it will in some cases bring havoc where you don't expext it.

Well, correct me if i'm wrong, but AFAIK on-rails and unloaded vessels in the atmosphere are autodestroyed, correct? Now say someone builds a plane to drop probes by parachutes. Since the stock behavior is that payload will get deleted as soon as it leaves the 2km range, the player uses lazorsystem to increase loaddistance to say 50km.

He flies to the target area, decouples the probes (with a delayed trigger for parachutes - there are mods to do this). Then he gets impatient and increases timewarp to x2. Regardless of if this might be a dumb move, the point is that lazorsystem will now reset the loaddistance to the vanilla 2km, since warpspeed no longer is 1.0. And what for? To avoid a crash that couldn't happen in this situation anyways. Even if the crash could happen, what it basically means is purposefully risking the deletion of vessels on which a player might have worked tens of gamehours.... to avoid a CTD that might cause the player ten minutes of gameplay?

TL/DR: For vessels in the atmosphere, activating timewarp MIGHT destroy it - resetting loaddist to stock instead guarantees destruction - or am i missing something here?

EDIT: IMO, the responsible approach would be to lock/prevent timewarp above a certain speed in such a case, and informing the player why. This would avoid a possible CTD, without risking the unexpected deletion of flying vessels in the atmosphere.

Edited by rynak
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Was the personal kerbal lazor system removed with the latest build? ie the decouple, destroy, and 1st person stuff? I know it only worked with kerbals that were in a vessel equipped with the lazor system, but I am noticing I do not have that anymore.

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I'm having problems seeing what exactly causes the bug you are experiencing. From what you have said it involves the robotic arms, grabbing a kerbal on eva and not being able to recover. It's not much to go on.

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  rynak said:
Well, correct me if i'm wrong, but AFAIK on-rails and unloaded vessels in the atmosphere are autodestroyed, correct? Now say someone builds a plane to drop probes by parachutes. Since the stock behavior is that payload will get deleted as soon as it leaves the 2km range, the player uses lazorsystem to increase loaddistance to say 50km.

He flies to the target area, decouples the probes (with a delayed trigger for parachutes - there are mods to do this). Then he gets impatient and increases timewarp to x2. Regardless of if this might be a dumb move, the point is that lazorsystem will now reset the loaddistance to the vanilla 2km, since warpspeed no longer is 1.0. And what for? To avoid a crash that couldn't happen in this situation anyways. Even if the crash could happen, what it basically means is purposefully risking the deletion of vessels on which a player might have worked tens of gamehours.... to avoid a CTD that might cause the player ten minutes of gameplay?

I see your point and it is a fair one. But i can't just revert it back to allowing timewarp at extended loading distances cause in my opinion that creates move havoc. So i guess the only option is to run a check for vessels that would be destroyed by activating timewarp and alerting the player about it.

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Does the Lazor Camera still work?

Edit: Nevermind. I see that it is supported for .24. Is it possible to increase the size of the window that pops up? I know there's s tab for small and large, but I'd like a full screen option if possible.

Edited by Motokid600
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Unfortunately when I install the stand alone docking cam mod, the game becomes suddenly laggy at the launch pad and after take off, even if the docking cam is turned off or if a vehicle has no dock port at all. I could not figure out what was causing the issue. I messed around with graphic settings with no luck. I started working backwards and removed this mod and the game is back to running normal and smooth.

Anyone else experienced this? I will try some more things to see if I can get it running smoothly. I have tried it on both 32bit and 64bit versions of KSP. bummer, i was really looking forward to giving this mod a shot.

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  Tommy59375 said:
Does this work for 0.24.2?

If it doesn't, is there anything I can do?

Because this plugin really adds a lot to the game for me.

Thanks, Romfarer ;)

Should work fine afaik, been playing around with it a bit myself lately testing some experimental planes.

I flew around kerbin in this plane :Dhttp://i.imgur.com/5Rk0BrP.png

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  Romfarer said:
Should work fine afaik, been playing around with it a bit myself lately testing some experimental planes.

I flew around kerbin in this plane :Dhttp://i.imgur.com/5Rk0BrP.png

Thanks for the speedy reply :D

I will use this in my new savefile :D

It's gonna be really relevant with kethane, and the yellow laser now, to save launch mass by mining fuel on the mun for interplanetary missions.

Less mass means less parts.

And less parts means less cost.

And less cost means doing more awesome stuff with the money available :D


Edited by Tommy59375
Get rid of those damn emoticons!
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Hey Romfarer, are you going to put a button texture in there anytime soon? I have the Lazor docking cam installed and it leaves a blank white square next to the resources button in the top left corner. The mod feels incomplete without a proper button texture

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Hello Romfarer, I would like to tell you that I have noticed a weird issue with the latest version of your Lazor Docking Cam mod, the only thing I use from your Lazor System, and a very useful mod, but recently, when doing orbital docking maneuvers around Mun to dock a ship with a station, your mod made the navball to display totally incoherent relative speed values on the navball in target mode as my ship was closing the intersect point with the station's orbit. Also, the prograde and retrograde markers of the navball were put to totally wrong places in target mode, which made me fail several times the same docking maneuver.

Here is my mod list :


The last two folders are TAC Fuel Balancer and Kerbal Alarm Clock.

I made several tests to ensure which mod was responsible of this issue and it appeared it was your Lazor Docking Cam. This was confirmed by two last tests, the first one with all my mods and without Lazor Docking Cam, and the second one with only Kerbal Engineer (all my ships and stations have the computer flight unit from Kerbal Engineer) and Lazor Docking Cam.

As I really love your docking cam, could you please fix this ?

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