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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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Hello again!

I have a little problem... Every time I try to put one of the tiny colored Lazor parts on a rover or an airplane (that is the little part, not the big circular part), when I launch, the Lazor instantly explodes :/ The explosion doesn't seem to damage anything, it just self-destructs D: Am I doing something wrong? is there a special way to be using those parts? The problem is I don't want to use either of the Lazor System parts because they don't go with my vehicles D: also they seem to be super heavy for some reason.

Thank you in advance!

... And again, great mods Rom :D

The small lazors don't do anything unless controlled by the main module. For that reason they are programmed to self destruct.

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Aw... okay. I was hoping that maybe by using the little ones you could sort of have the Lazor functionality but in a smaller scale, the part is not as big or bulky but you wouldn't have all the systems, just the one.

Oh well, thanks, Romfarer :) I'll play around with the designs see if I can make them fit.

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I think this is an installation issue. So first you should reinstall the plugins. If that doesn't work, you'll have to send me your output_log.txt

Well its definately an install issue. ive since fixed the issue... but the problem arose cause ive got 3 of your add-ons 2 of which have identical file names. it was the robotic arms and Laser Cam i originally installed, both worked fine. i then found(picked my jaw off the floor) the laser system v26 and tried installing that.

originally i left out the .dll as it was indentical name and figured it was same file. however replacing the laser cam.dll file with the laser system v26.dll file seems to have corrected the issue. however im still clueless as to what that little tab GUI config thing even does.


additionally, i believe a part of it is for me the hud for the destroy/disassemble/reassemble didnt always come up for me, and i also didnt notice it at first, kinda one of those hidden features. with that said... i think i love you...lol OMG im still building a port to port(stock) space station, but just knowing that i have an out option should i misconfigure my stages is absolutely BADASS!

additionally, i know this is the laser system thread. but props for the laser cam AND robotic arms Add-ons... OMG they are just as epic. ive already got in the works a supply ship which has one of each arm, the berman<sp?> is to transfer/install the Canada2, and im still thinking weither to keep the berman up there too.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. lastly but surely not least... the "S_D" function within laser systems target tab... OMFG THANK YOU!!! (p.s. i think it was named after me :P)

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LAGS Laser Alignment Grid System

so with this assemble/disassemble option, the only thing I'm thinking of is alignment. and well how awesome would that be if you could use say the Li-DAR lasers to draw a grid system or similar on the surface of objects to make precision placement easier.

the way i in-vision it is you have a series of lasers, 5 secondary + Your main module Primary laser:

Imagine an X200 16 fuel-tank for this example....guesstimating radius is 1.5m

hovering over top of the fuel cell you would do this

(don't have to be exact as lasers will calc for off-set centric orientation automatically once you line up the below sensor lasers)

Primary Laser you would just point at any target object while in new Sub-Systems mode: "Laser Alignment Grid System" LAGS for short :D

"place first and would auto-lock your current orientation to target object(s)and/or begin aligning your craft to a direct above orientation automatically"

1 laser you would position center origin of the fuel cell.


(local object orientation)

((blue laser mount in picture))

-placed blue laser mount at center in picture.

2 lasers you would position at the farthest most circumference points at North and South orientation.

"C[0,1.5]" & "C[0,-1.5]"

(not game North/South, just local object orientation)

((red laser mounts in picture))

-placed red laser mounts where you would point the endpoints of your crafts lasers.

2 lasers you would position at the farthest most circumference points at the East and West orientation.

"C[1.5,0]" & "C[-1.5,0]"

(not game East/West, just local object orientation)

((green laser mounts in picture))

-placed green laser mounts where you would point the endpoints of your crafts lasers.


Further note:

-grid spacing could also be modified for wider or narrower quadrants.

-perhaps Primary laser would act as the pointer to which object to tie to and align along specified grid.

-perhaps some cool scanning animation while the plugin calcs grid-lines.

-additionally perhaps future versions of LAGS could be used as sort of a live action local topography mapping system during landing approaches to determine surface tension.

-screenshot is within VAB, but this concept is ment for in-world usage.

P.S. excuse the crude grid-lines... new win7 system n i dont have any better photoediting software then paint...lol i miss my photoshop

GL Romfarer :D

Edited by Sinner_D
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As fantastic as the Canadarm and Buran manipulator replicas are... maybe these two options aren't quite sensitive or user-friendly enough to precisely place parts the way you'd want. Maybe it's time to consider building your own animated manipulator, specifically designed for this one specialized task?

I imagine not a long multi-purpose arm, since we already have two of those. Instead, how about a relatively small manipulator that will clamp securely onto one part, and then carefully maneuver a second part through millimetric and fractions-of-a-degree tolerances in 6DOF? Call it a precision assembly jig. It would still require one of the other arms to grab the two parts and bring them close together in the first place.

I'm not a coder, so I don't know how insanely difficult this idea would be to implement. Maybe your notion of enabling a snap option is better.

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LAGS Laser Alignment Grid System

so with this assemble/disassemble option, the only thing I'm thinking of is alignment. and well how awesome would that be if you could use say the Li-DAR lasers to draw a grid system or similar on the surface of objects to make precision placement easier.

I like the LAGS idea, kudos for the nice paint drawing. I've been wanting to do something like this with the lidar system for a long time, actually i'm not sure why i haven't made it yet. ;-) It does sound complicated to use though. I'm thinking the green lazors could be used to augument the welding lazor here, so having that system enabled would show up the grid lines on the parts you are trying to weld together and would enable the parts to snap together like they do in the VAB.

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perhaps in exchange for the great idea, you could maybe clue me in on how the heck you guys do these crazy mods. especially the beyond "heres some parts" mods...lol

feel free to go through with it... id love to see LAGS online, as of right now im a bit weary putting anything together with that system, even with me meticulously trying to align a simple 1.5x1.5x3 fuselage to a second one hanging from tower supports i wasnt able to get it as aligned as id demand in order to start using for my space station, dont need parts suddenly falling off ;)

something that might help atleast for now would be to offset the view of the cameras on the robotic arms as right now as soon as you magnetize your pretty much running blind. might be the case in real life, but then again NASA in real life isnt run by one person either ;)

i think i might have come up with a very cool use for this laser system, is there a max range that lasers can target/lock-on?

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Been trying to add a docking camera to the KAS winch (for better aiming) but the camera faces the wrong way, is there any way to reorient the camera or is it the parts that are facing the 'wrong' way?

(sorry if this has been discussed "KAS" is too short a search term).

You can use a Camera module too but the auto lined up crosshairs would be pretty handy (if they faced the right way)

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i think i might have come up with a very cool use for this laser system, is there a max range that lasers can target/lock-on?

Max range is 95 km.

Been trying to add a docking camera to the KAS winch (for better aiming) but the camera faces the wrong way, is there any way to reorient the camera or is it the parts that are facing the 'wrong' way?

(sorry if this has been discussed "KAS" is too short a search term).

You can use a Camera module too but the auto lined up crosshairs would be pretty handy (if they faced the right way)

The docking cam aligns itself with the part it is attached to and follows the convention in the stock docking ports. The only way to change this is to 1. I add options in the cfg to set the alignment with a vector. Or 2. you ask the KAS creator to align the part "properly".

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Can anyone please tell my why my missiles fire for no reason every time I separate my last stage so that my little "fighter ship" can operate on its own? Whether I stage or manually decouple, all my missiles fire off at once, and at nothing. Help!

If you have MJ2, uncheck auto-stage under ascent autopilot.

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Whenever I target something at the KSC from more than a few km out, I get the laser colliding with something called DestructionCollider, which also makes it impossible to target with the mouse in that area. The only result I found searching for "KSP DestructionCollider" on google was... Page 8 of this thread, where someone pointed out how to avoid raycasting into invisible objects like that. Did that not get implemented, or was this working before?

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Any chance we could get a standalone version of the decouple/weld tools? Being able to move parts around in-flight is awesome, but not everyone wants to have to attach lazors to do it.

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@fragosus: you dont need lasers... all kerbals are equipt with built in lasers to their helmets.

is there a key command to bring up the assemble/disassemble window while in EVA mode? its not coming up for me again... and i was VERY lucky that it didnt blowup my entire space station, luckily my explode target was just a light, which was immediately attached to my main control module.

please tell me theres a toggle to bring that window up.

i know now 1=destroy 2=disassemble 3=reassemble... but i feel much more comfortable with that window open ;)

also... has anyone disassembled a part, put it somewhere else reassembled, and then tried to disassemble that part off again? i cant get this part ot come off, keeps saying successful disassemble but when i try to pull it away from craft with robot arm it wont budge...and pulling too hard is putting my space station into a seriously dangerous rotation.

P.S. is there a way to turn the helmet laser off afterwards?

Edited by Sinner_D
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Allright i see what is going on here with the lazor on the helmet. It appears to be hidden but still available just by having any of my lazor powered plugins installed. It was actually meant to only be available when lazor system is installed on the vessel. anyways i now know about this bug and will correct it. In the mean time if you want to make sure that the gui is available, send your eva's out of a lazor system vessel.

has anyone disassembled a part, put it somewhere else reassembled, and then tried to disassemble that part off again? i cant get this part ot come off, keeps saying successful disassemble but when i try to pull it away from craft with robot arm it wont budge...and pulling too hard is putting my space station into a seriously dangerous rotation.

Yes i have done this many times ;) but allthough i can see how it can fail i need steps to reproduce this bug.

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anychance to break up the dll so the arms just has the arms stuff in it docking camera etc? I finally had to stop using romfarer.dll completely unfortunately because of all of the lag it creates especially approaching more than two or three other ships in the area.

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anychance to break up the dll so the arms just has the arms stuff in it docking camera etc? I finally had to stop using romfarer.dll completely unfortunately because of all of the lag it creates especially approaching more than two or three other ships in the area.

Just set the loading distance to default. You won't get that kind of lag then.

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I second question about stand alone EVA decouple/assembly?

I would like it for orbital construction but don't want full Lazor features.

Arms pack, docking camera and lazor camera are great though :)

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I second question about stand alone EVA decouple/assembly?

I would like it for orbital construction but don't want full Lazor features.

Arms pack, docking camera and lazor camera are great though :)

Yeah, what this guy said... me too. I was loving the robot arms and docking camera, and only installed the full pack to get the EVA construction features.

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I've tried searching and can't find anything, so if this has been answered already just lemme know. Anytime I use a romfarer mod my pad blows up on launch everytime. Not always a huge issue, but annoying and often times destroys other parts of my rocket in the process.

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