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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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just wondering if anyone has had an issue with the sunbeam lazor, where the sound just doesn't play.....

I looked into the .cfg and there isn't a call to the sound anywhere, yet I have a folder with sounds and 1 sound in the sunbeam folder as well..... any ideas?

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Just stick the sound from the Sunbeam folder into "sounds" folder of the "Romfarer" mod, where other sounds are.

yeah I figured this, but the sunbeam has a folder called sound not Sounds like the current directory structure....and it seems the sound is coded into the .dll. and not listed in the .cfg in case we may want to change a sound sample to another or custom made beam sound.

either way, I have a copy of the sunbeam.wav in the folder it came in and in the sound folder that came with it.... I will test it again and change the name of the folder to Sounds.....but ty for the info.

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well... I downloaded the Sunbeam again... just to make sure.... and placed everything in the gamedata folder, like before... and no sound..... I even changed the sound folder to Sounds thinking maybe the author missed the one letter by accident...and still no sound...LOL and the camera doesn't work at all either ,even if I attach a docking port...well the docking camera works but doesn't follow the laser movement, of course I could be wrong in my interpretation of the readme, and yes I added the line in the .cfg,... idk, it is a nice mod though, wish I had sounds with it.... maybe it needs the full laser pack??? anyone? and yes I am using newest version of KSP.

Edited by mrsinister
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ok, so I downloaded the whole system.... the gui now works, but still no sounds from the sunbeam. and adding the line to the .cfg for a dockingport doesnt add the gui for the laser system either...and thats not having a main laser system on the craft.

which stated it does not need one....although another issue has also came up... if I use the main laser system part in conjunction with the sunbeam, before turning on the laser system, the sunbeam acts fine (without sounds) but once I engage the laser system it points straight up and I loose control over it with the numpad keys....then when I turn off the laser system, the sunbeam is still unresponsive with the numpad keys. I am sure you are busy with other things, but please do take some time to look into this. thank you.

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The docking cam is not supposed to move at all. It would make it kind of useless for aligning your craft for docking if the camera was not aligned. :D The main lazor system has a "target camera" that follows the main lazor. But that requires the main system to be placed on your craft. The Sunbeam is slaved to the main lazor when the main lazor system is installed on your craft. You can use the "toggle mouse look" option in the gui to have the main lazor, the target camera, and the sunbeam follow your cursor. Be warned you can make the sunbeam hit the craft it is attached to while doing this. Rapid unplanned dis-assembly soon follows. :P

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Is there any losses intended on fuel transfer?

My target ship had capacity of 100U, current ship had amout of 200U and i ended up with ~60-70U capacity on target ship with zero amount on current. Where are that 130U of fuel gone?

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The docking cam is not supposed to move at all. It would make it kind of useless for aligning your craft for docking if the camera was not aligned. :D The main lazor system has a "target camera" that follows the main lazor. But that requires the main system to be placed on your craft. The Sunbeam is slaved to the main lazor when the main lazor system is installed on your craft. You can use the "toggle mouse look" option in the gui to have the main lazor, the target camera, and the sunbeam follow your cursor. Be warned you can make the sunbeam hit the craft it is attached to while doing this. Rapid unplanned dis-assembly soon follows. :P

right on, I was thinking more along the lines that where ever the lazor pointed thats what the docking cam would show. not that the docking ring would move. but, its all good, I like the whole system anyway. I am still trying to get the sounds working though for the sunbeam. hard to circumvent coding in a .dll and not in a .cfg.

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Have you worked more on adding the track system for the ISS CanadaArm?

No. I've been busy with official ksp stuff lately.

Romfarer, is the Romfarer.dll necessary for the SUMBEAN Laser?

No, and if you don't have lazor system on the same vessel. Sunbeam will function just like Tosh intended it.

ok, so I downloaded the whole system.... the gui now works, but still no sounds from the sunbeam. and adding the line to the .cfg for a dockingport doesnt add the gui for the laser system either...and thats not having a main laser system on the craft.

which stated it does not need one....although another issue has also came up... if I use the main laser system part in conjunction with the sunbeam, before turning on the laser system, the sunbeam acts fine (without sounds) but once I engage the laser system it points straight up and I loose control over it with the numpad keys....then when I turn off the laser system, the sunbeam is still unresponsive with the numpad keys. I am sure you are busy with other things, but please do take some time to look into this. thank you.

There shouldn't be any reason to fiddle with the placement of the files or the .cfg's to make my plugins work. The sunbeam behaviour you are experiencing is by design. Except the sound issue which seems to be a bug, i have added it to my list, thanks.

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There shouldn't be any reason to fiddle with the placement of the files or the .cfg's to make my plugins work. The sunbeam behaviour you are experiencing is by design. Except the sound issue which seems to be a bug, i have added it to my list, thanks.

I understand that, I just thought it may have been a simple .cfg fix, like some other modders put comments before the sounds to turn them of, when in fact if you uncomment them...they work fine. no worries. and hey, thank you for the reply. Great Lazor system btw.

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And btw, "no sound on sunbeam" is the only issue i am aware of atm. The other issues "reported" i was either unable to reproduce or the issue was not described in a way i could understand.

And fear not, i'm still working on lazor system. I've re-coded the controller for the tractor beam system and the afterburner system. The tractor beam system shold be more reliable now, it's still possible to crash the vessels from something that could be considered controller failure, but it should only happen on very unbalanced vessels, it's a feature.

Afterburners can now be overtuned to the rediculous. And it works like this: The default setting is 100% more thrust at 100% increased fuel cost. The maximum is 10x the thrust, at 10x the fuel cost, but your engine will most likely explode before it get to that level :D

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And btw, "no sound on sunbeam" is the only issue i am aware of atm. The other issues "reported" i was either unable to reproduce or the issue was not described in a way i could understand.

Which category my CanadArm bug is in? I've found very good steps to reproduce it, BTW. Build a stack as such: CanadArm-Probe Core-Clamp-o-tron. You could also throw a few batteries on the probe core. Then attach this to a station with at least one other Clamp-o-tron. Now, launch the station, attach the end effector to the station and decouple the arm from it's original location. You won't be able to control it anymore, despite a perfectly good probe core at the end.

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Which category my CanadArm bug is in? I've found very good steps to reproduce it, BTW. Build a stack as such: CanadArm-Probe Core-Clamp-o-tron. You could also throw a few batteries on the probe core. Then attach this to a station with at least one other Clamp-o-tron. Now, launch the station, attach the end effector to the station and decouple the arm from it's original location. You won't be able to control it anymore, despite a perfectly good probe core at the end.

Probably in category 2 ;-) I have been able to reproduce it though.

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So, now you now know what I was talking about? :) I really need that bug squished for the ISS assembly, "walking" the CanadArm2 becomes a real chore due to this. It'd be great if you could fix that.

I also made an observation that could help you nail that bug. If you check the station's name after you lose control of the arm, it'll be something like "Station Probe", while it was previously called "Station". This happens due to the way KSP selects the name for a ship after docking/undocking. The bug is almost certainly linked to this somehow.

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So, now you now know what I was talking about? :) I really need that bug squished for the ISS assembly, "walking" the CanadArm2 becomes a real chore due to this. It'd be great if you could fix that.

I also made an observation that could help you nail that bug. If you check the station's name after you lose control of the arm, it'll be something like "Station Probe", while it was previously called "Station". This happens due to the way KSP selects the name for a ship after docking/undocking. The bug is almost certainly linked to this somehow.

I fixed this bug. It happened when the vessel the robotic arm connected to , thought it was going to be "destroyed". It's just a technicallity, the important thing is that it is now fixed and will be out in the next version. I dunno when that will be, i'd like to make something new to add to the system...

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Hey, that's great. Any chance of a hotfix release, or do we need to wait for the next full version? That bug is really screwing up my ISS assembly plans.

Also, any updates on Mobile Base System for the CanadArm2 ?

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