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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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Parts from the guided weapons and the Lazor system still won't show up in my game parts menu in sandbox.

Also I don't see the lazor guided bomb in the parts files at all.

Infact the lazor guided weapons pack has not been updated since Oct 17.

Edited by Lostami
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Does the "robotics arm pack" still work with this? i can't seem to find the GUI, doesn't show. Is there something i have to do to activate it? Thx.

EDIT: fixed it, conflicted with another mod

Edited by TNM
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this also is the case with me on .23 on OSX 10.8

I don't own a mac so i can't verify wether this is an actual bug or just the cause of an incorrect installation.

This issue occurs when the plugin can't find the textures that comes with it. Either because you have more than one Romfarer.dll installed or the textures are missing.

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I don't own a mac so i can't verify wether this is an actual bug or just the cause of an incorrect installation.

This issue occurs when the plugin can't find the textures that comes with it. Either because you have more than one Romfarer.dll installed or the textures are missing.

This happens to me as well. The part of the interface which is essentially the windows boarders (in particular, at the top) with the controls that that let you close a window (the "x" button in the upper right) are invisible. I can guess and click to the right of the window title and finally hit something that either centers the window on the screen or closes the window altogether (the latter behavior is the desired behavior). I am running a Mac with osx 10.7.5 and KSP 0.23. This add-on to ksp is excellent so am hoping it can be "repaired" to work properly for us Mac folks. Thanks Romfarer!!!

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I've noticed that whenever the Lazor System is activated, all electrical charge is replenished. Is there a way to disable this? I would prefer it to be more realistic, i think this feature makes things to easy.

Lazor system should only replenish energy reserves when you have enabled that option in the space center lazor ui.

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Note: Lazor System requires KSP version 0.22. It will NOT work properly on earlier versions.

That is the first line of the overview for the download link on the first page. I do have the correct version but this confused the hell out of me.

My question is can I use this in the campaign? I dont see any unlockable parts, however I did see all the parts in the sandbox mode. If you cant use it in the campaign can you put that in the overview? Thanks.

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