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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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  Canopus said:
I didn't even have the lazor part on my ship. I just hit a random button and suddenly the laser was activated.

Have you got the stand alone docking cameras ?? Thats what I have and sadly I have it too ... apparently its a known bug and will be fixed soon

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  Meatsauce said:
Same behavior here. RC is bugged and poorly implemented. I believe Rom will revisit it after getting some other stuff out of the way.

I also experience the rapid explosive disassembly when using RC or coming into range (approx 6km - despite 96km dist. setting)

Any launch supports not destroyed will warp to your ship location, causing a disaster of kiblical proportions, so make sure the mod is on prior to activating that first stage.

I've been trying to use RC to remote launch a ICBM and shoot it down as it flies over alla Missile Defense Agency. Wanted to make a North Korea-esce type fan movie but the instability of RC for launching but the kabosh on that idea.

I managed to get it to work once or twice, but it is wholesale frustration.

I've got that explosive thing happening to unfortunatly :c

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  Assassin_55 said:
Were do i download the Bombs?

I cant find them :(


But I have another Problem: I buildet a shuttle, and used mechjeb AND lazor guidet flight. But during flight (I tryed all available settings) very often appeared the issue, that the ship started to spin after I disabled the lazor guidet flight.

Does anyone know this issue or what i am doin wrong???

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  iKon said:

I've seriously problem with this plugin... I mean I installed this as manual says, the game is launching but I dont see any GUI, dont see any Lazors part, except some small and big white laser, but this part dont do anything... No other parts are inside game like sunbeam, laser guided missles, cams... All other mods like ship parts works perfect, but have also problem with MechJeb. I tried to reinstall game couple times and nothing. Also I tried to install KSP and this plugin on other computers and there was same problem. Thanks for any replies.

This is an installation issue, looks like you are missing the plugin files.

  Canopus said:
I didn't even have the lazor part on my ship. I just hit a random button and suddenly the laser was activated.

The EVA lazors are activated by the number keys (1, 2, 3, 0). It is a bug that it can be activated when the Lazor EVA menu is not visible.

  Rodney said:

But I have another Problem: I buildet a shuttle, and used mechjeb AND lazor guidet flight. But during flight (I tryed all available settings) very often appeared the issue, that the ship started to spin after I disabled the lazor guidet flight.

Does anyone know this issue or what i am doin wrong???

Not sure how to say this, but yes, when you turn off lazor guided flight, your plane will be at the mercy of whatever non-lazor control which remains active.

Edited by Romfarer
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  Romfarer said:
Not sure how to say this, but yes, when you turn off lazor guided flight, your plane will be at the mercy of whatever non-lazor control which remains active.

Is there any way to fix it? because when I changed to the tracking station and then to the ship again, everithing was alright. even though I activated and deactivated the lazor system.

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  Rodney said:
Is there any way to fix it? because when I changed to the tracking station and then to the ship again, everithing was alright. even though I activated and deactivated the lazor system.

If i knew what the problem was, sure i could fix it. So if you could describe the issue in detail, that would be helpful.

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Installed the Lazor system today to play around with it, and while I love the red laser for the smooth SAS, I wish there was a mod-pack to give the other aspects of the mod a more 'realistic' cost. (Obviously 'realism' in a pack that has tractor beam lasers is weird, but...)

It just doesn't seem right that I can keep a 3 ton craft hovering at 4500 meters for 0.5 eU/s. That doesn't even exceed the default energy generation of the craft, and even if I had zero innate generation, a single tiny solar panel would provide all the energy I needed.

If the mod is just intended to be 'for fun', I have to wonder why there's an energy cost at all, considering it's so negligible.

Regardless, this is an amazingly intricate mod. Congrats for achieving this.

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  Rodney said:

But I have another Problem: I buildet a shuttle, and used mechjeb AND lazor guidet flight. But during flight (I tryed all available settings) very often appeared the issue, that the ship started to spin after I disabled the lazor guidet flight.

Does anyone know this issue or what i am doin wrong???

There is just the missiles :(

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Hello, so I got the Lazor Docking Cam a little while ago and began to notice some extremely long wait times when loading in another vessel in space, this load time usually only takes about 1 second but with the Docking Cam it was taking upwards of 45 seconds. I suspect it has to do with the increased loading distance options, however even on "default" I still get this long loading time.

I've gone through all my mods and definitely confirmed it is Lazor Docking Cam that is causing this issue.

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  Shogun Gunshow said:
Installed the Lazor system today to play around with it, and while I love the red laser for the smooth SAS, I wish there was a mod-pack to give the other aspects of the mod a more 'realistic' cost. (Obviously 'realism' in a pack that has tractor beam lasers is weird, but...)

It just doesn't seem right that I can keep a 3 ton craft hovering at 4500 meters for 0.5 eU/s. That doesn't even exceed the default energy generation of the craft, and even if I had zero innate generation, a single tiny solar panel would provide all the energy I needed.

If the mod is just intended to be 'for fun', I have to wonder why there's an energy cost at all, considering it's so negligible.

Regardless, this is an amazingly intricate mod. Congrats for achieving this.

I realize that tractor beams are sci-fi, but at the same time i would like them to be realistic within their context. I'd velcome suggestions on how to make them more realistic. What should the power constumption be?

  CoriW said:
Hello, so I got the Lazor Docking Cam a little while ago and began to notice some extremely long wait times when loading in another vessel in space, this load time usually only takes about 1 second but with the Docking Cam it was taking upwards of 45 seconds. I suspect it has to do with the increased loading distance options, however even on "default" I still get this long loading time.

I've gone through all my mods and definitely confirmed it is Lazor Docking Cam that is causing this issue.

I've been working on some new tools for modders that's coming KSP 0.20. (It's no secret but it's also technical stuff only modders would appreciate). Anyways, lazor will take advantage of those new tools and it should help with the performance. It's hard to say what is causing your extended loading times since i have little idea what exactly you are loading up and if you got a lot of vessels with lazor on them in range.

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  Romfarer said:
If i knew what the problem was, sure i could fix it. So if you could describe the issue in detail, that would be helpful.
I've been having difficulties getting it to control my vehicles. I had a plane sitting on the flight deck of my carrier and while I could go through the staging and control the throttle without issue when I finally went to launch it wouldn't pull up. When I tested it on the deck the control surfaces would not respond to a single thing unless being controlled manually.
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I'm having an issue where the game is lagging badly when sending aircraft to the launchpad, each time I enable the Lazor System, and clicking dropdown boxes in it. Is this a known problem?

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  keptin said:
I'm having an issue where the game is lagging badly when sending aircraft to the launchpad, each time I enable the Lazor System, and clicking dropdown boxes in it. Is this a known problem?

Is it throwing exceptions when this happends? What os are you on? Do you have a ton of vessels within the loading range? What have you set the loading range to?

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I recently have come across the issue that whenever I subgroup any lazors, I can no longer end the flight of any vessel in the vicinity (this includes going back to the space center). This has been tested on Linux x86, with Lazor System v26. Deleting the .cfg and .txt files in PluginData/romfarer did not fix the problem. The work-around is to put all the lazors back into one group at the end of use, at which point, ending the flight is again possible. The error in the log reads as follows:

ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,KSPParseable].Add (System.String key, KSPParseable value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at Romfarer.Util.SaveKSPParseableRect (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 partDataCollection, System.String i, Rect r) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at Romfarer.CFG.onFlightStateSaveX (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 partDataCollection, System.String identifier) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at Romfarer.CFG_yellow.onFlightStateSave (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 partDataCollection) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at Romfarer.LazorSystem.onFlightStateSave (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 partDataCollection) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at ProtoPartSnapshot..ctor (.Part PartRef, .ProtoVessel protoVessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at ProtoVessel..ctor (.Vessel VesselRef) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at Vessel.BackupVessel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at FlightState..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at GamePersistence.SaveFlightState (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at PauseMenu.draw (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0.

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  Romfarer said:
lazor version 27 is coming soon and it will use all the fancy stuff added in 0.20 :D

it's possible that the launch clamps will not explode anymore. Anyone sad to see that feature go?

i am, but it always scared the crap out of me because i thought it was my rocket

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My dog will miss it, he uses it to perfectly time his jumping up and down- trying to get my attention-barking, while I am trying a tricky liftoff.

Edit: however, it seems that the "Launch Clamps jumping out of thin air and destroying ships while launching" bug has returned. (which sorta makes sence). so, until v27 is out, I guess I will have to remove the romfarer.dll

Edited by Fyrem
Duck! LaunchClamp!
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Hey Rom, just got KSP v.20 and im having some texture loss issues. DamnedRobotics required complete removal due to it freezing title load screen, and now my laser system laser turrets are all textureless.

any idea on a fix for this?

btw tractor beams are a bit too sci fi to request "realistic power consumption" however i would assume if they were realistic the consumption would be something like the equivilent to (Larger object mass - smaller object mass) * distance = power consumption.

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