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Life Support, how much per ton?

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If SQUAD does add life support to the stock game, it could be done in many different ways. The current mods for life support each have a different approach. There are single resource abstracted solutions and multi resource solutions. The consequences are varied as well, ranging from killing kerbals to insignificant effects in sandbox.

whatever system is used there would be only one concern for mission planning, how many kerbal*days would one ton of life support provide?

I estimate for humans 1 ton would support about 100 man*days. Later technology that regenerates waste would support more.

How many kerbal*days do you think one ton of life support should provide?

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It's said that the average human will consume 5kg of Life Support (~0.5kg O2, ~1kg Food and ~3.5kg Water) per day to stay healthy, and another 3-4kg of water per day to keep clean. If you skip showers, you can work it out to just under 2 tons of LS per person, per year. With the water for general cleanliness and all the rest, it's about 3 tons; not THAT much really.

I'm in the mindset that Kerbals, being smaller, would use less per day, maybe 3kg, so would only need about 1 ton per earth year. Though I like and use TAC Life Support, I think if evet a stock Life Support was added, it would make sense as just one resource, consumed equally.

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In the interest of gameplay, it should be really cheap and easy to support non-permanent crafts inside Kerbin's SOI. So enough life support in a capsule to go to the Mun and back, maybe having to bring a little bit for Minmus.

Kerbin's SOI is, and should stay, the training grounds for new players.

In contrast, I think modules that allow for infinite life support (at the cost of power), regardless of how they work, should be heavy and expencive, but still viable for permanent colonies.

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