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Engineers will calculate delta-V?


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But you're not critiquing, or there's some critique but with a lot of Squad bashing on top, like when you explained that nukes in the game use two propellants because Squad are a bunch of ignorants, despite the .cfg explaining exactly why nukes are the way they're.
I was unaware of the comment. As for the rest of my criticism, I feel like I've praised them as often as I've criticized, you just simply prefer to see nothing but vitriol. I suppose it's the same with me and the "fanboys"; all I see is slavish praise, ignorance of and failure to offer actual criticism, and a desire to ruin a promising game by promoting arcadey elements and "disaster simulation". Everyone blows these things out of proportion to support their own viewpoint (see below).
Every time I see one of your posts, I expect some gratuitous Squad bashing, and honestly, that kind of "critique" is the most easy to ignore.
Then ignore it.
Also, I don't think you're being fair with Harvester, I believe that the fact that this game has realistic orbital mechanics, instead of the starships-fly-like-planes mechanic like every other game has, shows that he isn't quite underestimating everybody's intelligence
Perhaps I am being a bit harsh on Harv, but that original post on the Orbiter forums, being upheld as a paragon of what KSP should be, kind of sticks with me. Not to mention that the base KSP paradigm of hiding information from the player just seems ... sadistic.

I should also point out that there are definitely a few games out there that use realistic orbital mechanics, so your "like every other game" statement is wrong.

Also, r_rolo1 hit the nail on the head.

E: Anyway, on topic, I stand by my description of a mechanic tying delta-V readouts to pilot "experience" as dumb, and I certainly hope Squad doesn't make a dumb decision to implement a dumb mechanic. It's a basic element of spaceflight, required information, and the fact that maneuver nodes show the delta-V required but fail to show the delta-V remaining is similarly dumb.

Edited by regex
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The space shuttle was not capable of deploying its landing gear remotely; needed a human to do that. Even after the Columbia breakup, it still needed a human to connect an umbilical between two patch bays before it could be done remotely.

I'm not sure that is true, but even if it is, replace Shuttle with Buran. Same point. I know that one flew unmanned.... even if it was once.

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1. Fixing the tech tree, reducing the grind by adding better contract system, and adding more variety to it.

2. No stable ones currently exist.

3. I'm talking about the original one that was presented to us by Squad

1) I guess whether (and even how) the tech tree needs to be fixed is up to interpretation. I mean, in reality, most of the tech tree would already be "discovered" before the Kerbals even launched into space if one is worried strictly about realism. It's not like we didn't know what batteries or ladders or wings were before the Mercury program. But then having half the tech tree unlocked from the start kind of defeats the purpose of having one in the first place. And of course, this doesn't mention the fact that I'm sure many people have different ideas of how the tech tree could be changed.

Now, one area I *MIGHT* agree with you on is making it easier to customize the tech three, or perhaps give different tech tree options at the start of the game. Although if one is talking about doing things mods haven't done, one could argue this has already been done with TechManager and the CTT

2) So we're going from mods to "stable" mods (however one defines that). So that begs the question, are/were there any mods on your previous list (KCT, asteroid mods, etc) that might not be exactly considered to be stable (but generally work)?

3) I'm not fully up on the old resources plan (I started playing right after all of that bru-ha-ha, apparently) though I did find this diagram: http://i.imgur.com/08hdJyj.png

Which seems more complex than my picture of Kethane or Karbonite admittedly. It also looks very complex, which I'm sure many players would like. My brain was starting to melt looking at all the arrows, though. Though I suppose that doesn't say how it would have played implemented in the game. Of course, they shelved it because they felt that how it was turning out wasn't fun to play as well.

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Alright, folks, I think that's quite enough.

Being as it seems we're unable to keep an on-topic discussion going without veering wildly off-track, it's likely time to let this one sit for a while.


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