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SSTO 2-Kerbal Ferry


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I wanted a way to deliver 2 Kerbals to my space station and this is what I came up with. There are struts but most aren't visible. The wings are held together by struts but they're placed inside the wing to make it prettier.

Features: Autopilot (it is, after all, a ferry)

1 shielded docking port

6 strategically placed RCS ports to aid in docking (no left/right though, I deal with this by rolling and using the up/down as left/right)

2 R.A.P.I.E.R. engines

2 Turbojet engines

20 structural intakes and 2 shock cone intakes

And a nuclear generator

http://i.imgur.com/U66cYKg.jpg (large image)

The major downside is that fuel balancing can be tricky. It will become back-heavy after fuel depletes, which won't matter on ascent but on descent, you'll want to manually balance your fuel toward the front so that it doesn't go tail-first. Even so, I've had it flip wildly out of control and still landed it safely several times because the imbalance seems to only be disastrous at high speeds. If anybody has any suggestions on how to improve this aspect without significantly changing the design, I'd appreciate it.

Link: https://www./?adyuzs3mn8hh7dn

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