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Bumped Specular or Normal Map?

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Take a look at this, you'll need to get familiar with the edgesplit modifier to get your meshes looking right. The shader isn't the issue for your parts at the moment:


The reason the top image has incorrect shading is that your part is being smoothed as a whole, and that simply doesn't work very well when there are right angles involved (from the sides to the top).

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Firstly, never use the default Blender shaders - only use the KSP Shaders that come with KSP PartTools for Unity.

Secondly, your issue isn't so much bumped specular or normal shaders, but an improperly-configured smoothing angle:

- In Blender, select your mesh in Object view, then Mesh » Faces » Shade Smooth / Shade Flat

- In Unity, find the import settings for your Blender model, and set the Smoothing Angle to somewhere between 15~45

This will give you smooth curves for the cylinder walls and crisp corners on the cylinder ends, without needing to perform split edge operations described by Kommitz.

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I am a user of blender for 3years and it's a great tool, but honestly I would recommend modelling/animating in blender and then exporting to unity. the steps to use unity are REALLY simple and makes life so much easier, also learning unity is a good skill as its a popular engine

on subject, the reason I say this is because the calculate option in unity for angles makes this problem you are having a non-issue. it just works. (providing you have the KSP shaders)

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I am a user of blender for 3years and it's a great tool, but honestly I would recommend modelling/animating in blender and then exporting to unity. the steps to use unity are REALLY simple and makes life so much easier, also learning unity is a good skill as its a popular engine

on subject, the reason I say this is because the calculate option in unity for angles makes this problem you are having a non-issue. it just works. (providing you have the KSP shaders)

Considering I'm also using Unity... :)

You need it to make KSP parts. I do exactly as you suggested, but thanks anyways! :D

I'll check out the shader settings suggested above.

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