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Roving on Rayrod


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"So, I decided to go to Laythe again. Hardly an original idea, but I wanted to gain some experience with interplanetary journeys. I set out from Kerbin when the transfer window was nearly open, and waited a couple days in orbit getting the maneuver node correct. I got up using my standard launcher type. Basically I used my Duna Dillydallyer (which nobody knows about) which can get to duna with plenty of dV to spare. It can get into a good Laythe orbit with ~600m/s left. I have no pictures of it, but it consists of a 3-Kerb crew capsule with parachutes, an RCS system, a medium 2.5m tank with a quad-coupler on the bottom. Under the quad-coupler are four flt-400s with nukes under them for efficient interplanetary transfer. On top I slung the Space Truck MK.2 and its parachute module.

I burned for Jool at the window, for about 3 minutes. Then, I was off! I had to do a tiny mid-course plane correction, but otherwise I had lots and lots of fuel. I aerobraked at Jool for an orbit about halfway between Jool and Laythe. Once you are in prbit, getting to Laythe from Jool is no harder than getting to the Mun from Kerbin. It is actually easier, because Laythe is bigger and has an atmosphere. I came in for another aerobrake at Laythe, then shifted my orbit to roughly circular at 70km.

I chose my landing zone- a large island with some wierd dark crater features. This island was called Rayrod Island, bnamed after Rayrod Kerman, the first Kerbal to ever set foot on Laythe. His one-man capsule, now a historic landmark, is on the other side of the island. Rayrod is still there, and he lives off a little garden he made.The Space Truck came down on the beach about ~50m from the water's edge. Luckily it didn't land in the water; it didn't have the RCS that other models for airless moons did. I landed at about sunset, but luckily the Space Truck is RTG-powered. I did some quick roving around before sunset, then warped to day.



The Space Truck flipped over wih its crew inside


Driving at night


An awesome Laythe sunset. It was originally almost completely dark, but I lit it up and it looks awesome!

I will add more pictures later, I just have no way of accessing my steam screenshots from where I am currently.

Edited by Wabbit
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Hah, did I influence this in any way?

Nice job, and the Sunsets rock, don't they!

Have fun on Good old Laythe!

Yeah, I got bored and saw your stuff. Felt like making a Laythe base. Only now do I see exactly how awesome nukes are. I will also be setting up a refueling/recharging station, and a shelter/hangar for the rover and a plane I'm sending. Might even include a B.O.A.T on the next transfer ship. I already have habitation en route for the guys.

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Yeah, I got bored and saw your stuff. Felt like making a Laythe base. Only now do I see exactly how awesome nukes are. I will also be setting up a refueling/recharging station, and a shelter/hangar for the rover and a plane I'm sending. Might even include a B.O.A.T on the next transfer ship. I already have habitation en route for the guys.

Nice! Colonize Laythe and Your Kerbals have a safe haven!

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So I will assume you can get a flyby of Jool. You want to get a flyby that is in Jool's atmo. Not too deep, but enough where you think it will slow you into orbit.

1. Get a rough close-ish encounter with Jool. Quicksave.

2. In the middle of the path to Jool, burn straight up or down on the navball to change your inclunation until you can get equitorial. Once you are happy, wuicksave.

3. Time-warp to Jool's SOI. Once you are inside, quicksave and set up a maneuver node near you. Mess with the prograde and retrograde markers until you have the apoapsis you want to aerobrake with. Do not quicksave! First, test the aerobraking trajectory to make sure it works. If it does, and you get into orbit, quicksave. If not, F9. Make sure to burn at apo to lift your periapsis out of the atmo.

4. Now getting to Laythe from here is about as easy as getting to the Mun. Just get into orbit, pick your landing zone carefully, and deorbit to land.

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Wabbit and DMSP I've been playing for 1 1/2 years only landed on duna once and a flyby of jool any suggestions on getting to Laythe? That don't involve videos

I recommend getting a tanker into orbit, using a huge and sturdy lifter, and refueling at the tanker or station. Be wise with Delta v, because you can't waste any. Use planetary transfer calculators to know when Jool and Kerbin are alined, and use Kerbal Alarm Clock so you can send multiple craft in one transfer window.

Hope this helps!


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