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New Poster, somewhat long-time player


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Hey Guys... I\'m new here so I thought i\'d post something in here.

I know this is not my first post (Second now), but might as well.

Amazingly I started playing on the first day that .14 was launched, but due to problems luanching it I just played the demo until, say, a month ago. A really wicked game. I\'ve already suggested it to my friends. Hope to see them on soon...(Probably wont though) :P

Any ways... I just thought I\'de put this here to say hey...

so Hey!

Anyways... Your ideas for the game sound great... Just remember: If you say your going to do it, try to remember that it\'s on your to-do list... I\'ve played a couple indie-games (or what ever they\'re called) and they say they will do something but quickly forget about it...

Sorry if i\'ve either offened anyone, posted too long or something I shouldn\'t have, or anything else... Plz tell me if i did so I can keep myself from doing it later.

Thank You.

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