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KSP Joystick Reccomendations


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So I'm toying around with the idea of a joy stick for KSP. I'm looking for something around the $50 Dollar mark. I may be looking to spend more though based on one hang up. I like the idea of a separate throttle. it seems like it would be more comfortable and easier to control if it wasn't a tiny thrust button on the bottom of the joy stick. However for the $50 dollar price range, I'm only getting x-y control. Would I miss the other axis(es)? Am I making too big of a deal about a separate throttle console? Which ones do you guys use, what do you like about them and what do you wish you had?

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I used to use a Logitech MX-518 mouse. I might again, if I can find the bloody screwdriver to fix it with. :mad:

As for joysticks - aren't the current view modes kinda inadequate for joysticks? How do people deal with that? (that might change with the new chase cam .. maybe)

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