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Thai Rocket festival

Bryce Ring

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Thai Rocket festival,

Has any one posted this stuff before ?

one interesting run away event around 6min mark.

is it the spinning or the ring that provides most stability. or is it both. no doubt there is a lot of balancing to be done and that would most definatly include thrust.

I have not been able to get any good close up pictures off the net, any one know if it is one single chamber or one pipe bamboo with its segregations serving individual "rocket vents" black powder supply.

Apparently this happens in May. ??

Before anyone guesses. it is not a rotor that gives lift. its all thrust from the rockets. original thread "I have only just this past week discovered this" can be found here


Edited by Bryce Ring
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Spin stabilization !

Wonder if anyone can mod a part like that... (Least are the ring - or would the round-8 do it ?)

An a launch pad like that too haha. When things goes wrong, watchers run away...

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