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Please integrate Infernal Robotics into stock - synergy with resource system and aerodynamics

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I know it's late for this feature to be implemented in 1.0, but maybe for 1.1? With resource and feature coming it will become even more important to build compact and extendable modules that will fit nicely in fairing.

For me Infernal Robotics mod is one of the best features in KSP lego blocks game out there. It's like meta-mod that supports lots of designs and other mods. And it has many advantages over parts that are animated (controlling movement/rotation, can attach other parts to moving stuff etc). For example shuttle arm, rotating engines, wheels etc. However to utilize its full potential it needs some support and love so it works correctly with other KSP elements within KSP constraints (i.e. docking ports).

Nearly every part for space exploration uses robotics to some degree.

Let's have a look, 1969, moon landing and extendable wheels on rover:


shuttle arm:


Space station arm:


mars rover with several robotics parts.


KSP has lots of parts to build rovers, shuttles, space stations and planetary bases. And that's great. That's why Infernal Robotics integrated into stock would enhanced greatly building potential that KSP already has.



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