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Bookkeeping Mod


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I'm taking an Accounting 1 class. Now that KSP has a proper career mode, I think it needs a bookkeeping window. Some sort of basic journal or ledger would be neat, as well as way too many graphs.

Primary want:

Specifically, it'd be nice to have a page that keeps track of unearned fees (from accepted but not yet completed contracts), accounts receivable (for when you complete those contracts and get the rewards), cash (when contracts pay out or you pay for rockets), recovered fees (for recovering landed rockets), rockets (an asset account for rockets), buildings (another asset account), and expenses (when you launch a rocket). Each entry would be logged by year and day, ideally following the proper rules of debit and credit. The window would probably have to be paginated, because KSP careers tend to last over quite a few years of launching.

Stretch goal:

Graphs. So many graphs. And Income Statements. And Statements of Cash Flow. And a Balance Sheet.

Graph ideas: (the second axis of which is always time)

  • cash
  • reputation
  • science
  • unearned fees
  • Recovered fees
  • accounts receivable
  • Kerbals
  • launches
  • active missions/rockets

Super stretch goal:

Loans. This would, of course, add an accounts payable account.

Loans could be offered by in-game companies (just for flavor's sake). They'd vary by amount, days until repayment, and interest rate.

Super-crazy stretch goal:

Insurance policies. No idea how you'd easily implement this, but you could take out a policy on a rocket for an amount of money depending on number of parts and expense of the rocket. Or you could take out life insurance policies on particular kerbals. If the rocket explodes or the Kerbal dies, you get a payout. However, you have to pay on a quarter-year basis while you've got the policy.

On the other hand, how could you prevent the player from committing insurance fraud? Or would that even be an issue?

Anyway, those are a few of my ideas. Thoughts?

Does this mod exist (or something similar) and I just missed it with my newbish searching skills?

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