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[1.8.x] CraftHistory - 2.2.1 - 18.10.2019


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Did you ever...


  • work on a craft for hours and kerbal crashed making all your work for nothing ?
  • used the undo hot key but it didn't do what you expected and now hard work is again for nothing ?
  • want to have an older version of your craft but never saved it ?
  • want to group up your crafts in the load menu ?


Well we got the answer for your troubles. Presenting CraftHistory.

Saving your craft file after every change of the craft or periodically.

If you don't want your crafts to be saved and only want to use the categories feature of this mod you can simply disable it.

Right clicking will open the settings menu where you can chose between 3 different methods when to create a history entry.

Left clicking will open the categories your current craft is in.








Q: How do i install this mod ?

A: The zip files are all structured so that you only have to extract them into your kerbal folder and overwrite the folder.

Q: How do i uninstall this mod ?

A: I'm sorry that you want to do that. Just remove the "CraftHistory" folder in your "GameData\KerboKatz" folder. If you aren't using any of our other mods you can remove the "KerboKatz" folder too. If you have a few minutes please tell us what you didn't like about this mod. So we can improve it.

Q: This mod isn't working ?!!!!

A: Make sure you got the KerboKatzUtilities. If you do so please post your output_log so we can investigate your issues.

Q: I installed with CKAN and it's not working!

A: Even though we let CKAN generate meta files for our mods we don't actively check if its actually working or has the newest version. In cases with issues that can't be reproduced with a manual install, it's suggested to take it to the CKAN guys.

Q: How do i access this mod?

A: If you don't have any other mods created by us you are going to have a new toolbar icon. If you do have another mod installed you will have a green cat icon, by clicking on it it will pop up another "toolbar" with all of our active mods listed in it and you can chose this mod out of the list. By left-clicking on the icon the main window of this mod will pop up. By right-clicking the settings window will pop up.

Q: I have issues with this mod.

A: Please post your output_log, detailed description and reproduction steps so we can investigate your issues.

Q: I have a suggestion for this mod.

A: Just post it in this thread. We always like new ideas. But please be aware that some things might not be doable.

Q: I like your mod how can i thank you ?

A: Just post something in this thread. We like reputation points too :wink:. If you feel like it you can donate to us too.

If you like our mods please consider a donation:btn_donate_LG.gif

Or Support us on patreon.png

Download from our website.

License: All rights reserved.

Requires: KerboKatzUtilities: 1.5.2-KSP1.8 -> License: All rights reserved. (included in the downloads)

Edited by SpaceTiger
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THANK YOU!!! This is exactly what I needed and requested at Mod Affairs. I will always be grateful for this mod.:D

UPDATE : bug report: the mod seems to conflict with a certain mod I have.

Heres my mod list:



Environmental Visual Enhancement(Astronomer's Interstellar pack)

Texture Replacer





Hot Rockets

Bahamuto Armory,Dynamic Parts,Adjustable Landing Gear,Destruction Effects,Camera Tools

Atmospheric Sound Enhancement

Soundtrack Editor ( used to remove ksp tracks to free up ram)



Persistent Trails

Magic Smoke Robotic Parts

Lack Luster Labs


Universal Storage

Near Future



Collision FX


Kerbal Foundries

It causes me to be unable to open the loading menu in SPH.I tried the mod on a clean install and it works fine.

Edited by victor tan
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Yep, the above happened to me too (this was the latest mod to install and it worked without problems before). Of the above, I'm NOT using the following (perhaps helps to exclude the culprits):




Bahamuto Armory,Dynamic Parts,Adjustable Landing Gear,Destruction Effects,Camera Tools

Atmospheric Sound Enhancement

Soundtrack Editor ( used to remove ksp tracks to free up ram)


Persistent Trails

Magic Smoke Robotic Parts

Lack Luster Labs


Universal Storage

Near Future



Collision FX

Kerbal Foundries

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Ditto here. I am also NOT using:


Hot Rockets

Bahamuto Armory,Dynamic Parts,Adjustable Landing Gear,Destruction Effects,Camera Tools

Atmospheric Sound Enhancement

Soundtrack Editor ( used to remove ksp tracks to free up ram)


Persistent Trails

Magic Smoke Robotic Parts

Lack Luster Labs

Near Future



From the list in post 3. Possibly something's getting ModuleManager'd in I guess, there's nothing showing in logs at all.

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Sure: but there's no CraftHistory errors at all. Reproduction is easy, just load a game, go to SPH ( in my case usually the first place ) and try and load a craft, no craft selection dialog. Creating a new craft is fine, saving that is also fine, the CraftHistory settings dialog is also accessable.

I've had exactly the same issue caused by a corrupt craft file.

Edited by Van Disaster
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  Van Disaster said:
Sure: but there's no CraftHistory errors at all. Reproduction is easy, just load a game, go to SPH ( in my case usually the first place ) and try and load a craft, no craft selection dialog. Creating a new craft is fine, saving that is also fine, the CraftHistory settings dialog is also accessable.

I've had exactly the same issue caused by a corrupt craft file.

Yeah nothing indicating that anything is wrong. There are quiet a few exceptions thrown but nothing that would cause CraftHistory not to work. If you don't mind testing you could remove other mods one by one and try to find the culprit

  parameciumkid said:
This sounds like a really cool idea but I'm afraid it'll murder my SSD.

You could use the one and only setting this mod has and set it to something like a minute which would reduce the files written. Or another idea would be to have the saves folder on the hard disk.

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  SpaceTiger said:
Yeah nothing indicating that anything is wrong. There are quiet a few exceptions thrown but nothing that would cause CraftHistory not to work. If you don't mind testing you could remove other mods one by one and try to find the culprit.

Most of the exceptions thrown are either unfixable like TT wheels ( or most mod wheels ), or things that don't appear to make a difference so are probably transitory and ignorable. I'll see what I can do about debugging it if I get time.

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  Van Disaster said:
Most of the exceptions thrown are either unfixable like TT wheels ( or most mod wheels ), or things that don't appear to make a difference so are probably transitory and ignorable. I'll see what I can do about debugging it if I get time.
Something else you could try is this dll file. The only thing changed is some debug logs to see where it gets stuck (if it gets stuck at all) which might give me an idea where the problem is.
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  Van Disaster said:
OK, gave that a shot, including making repeated attempts just to generate some log entries. I think you might be a bit disappointed there though.

Not disappointed at all kinda confirms my thoughts that CraftHistory fails to load a craft file.Now we only need to find out why that happens in the first place. Could you please post the output_log in the KSP_Data folder ? That one usually has way more information.

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Yep, loading menu is there, great! :)

As you're replacing the default loading dialog, is there any chance you can add some sort of tree to it? it gets awfully cluttered even without your extended craft info ( that's nice, but could do with some compression I think ).

Still, this is going to be insanely useful.

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  Van Disaster said:
Yep, loading menu is there, great! :)

As you're replacing the default loading dialog, is there any chance you can add some sort of tree to it? it gets awfully cluttered even without your extended craft info ( that's nice, but could do with some compression I think ).

Still, this is going to be insanely useful.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that ? could you explain further please ?

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One thing I've always wanted was some sort of subfolder tree arrangement for craft files - after a while in a game you can get a *giant* list of files to scroll through. You can see how having larger panels for each craft in the dialog won't help there. As an example I have a prefix for an aircraft type of "HL", and then there's a couple of major variants of that that, and then I usually suffix incremental version numbers which I don't need to anymore thanks to this mod - but I do still save quite a few minor craft variants. Rather than scrolling through every variant in one list I'd like to just bung them in a subdivision of the menu. Exactly how that subdivision works, I don't really mind.

One other nice thing to have given you're scanning craft already - could we have a toggle to hide unloadable craft? that is something I thought should have gone in the default too.

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  Van Disaster said:
One thing I've always wanted was some sort of subfolder tree arrangement for craft files - after a while in a game you can get a *giant* list of files to scroll through. You can see how having larger panels for each craft in the dialog won't help there. As an example I have a prefix for an aircraft type of "HL", and then there's a couple of major variants of that that, and then I usually suffix incremental version numbers which I don't need to anymore thanks to this mod - but I do still save quite a few minor craft variants. Rather than scrolling through every variant in one list I'd like to just bung them in a subdivision of the menu. Exactly how that subdivision works, I don't really mind.

One other nice thing to have given you're scanning craft already - could we have a toggle to hide unloadable craft? that is something I thought should have gone in the default too.

Hmm. Toggle for unloadable crafts should be doable quickly. Prefixes you bring me to some nice ideas! I'll see what i can do :)
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I got a working category system running right now. Just needs some more polishing before any release.

It works by using a delimiter in the craft name so they would be fully compatible with already existing crafts if they are named like "category-ship name". In this case "-" would be the delimiter. You can choose what to use as a delimiter.


Tell me what you think about it.

Edited by SpaceTiger
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Release of version 1.1.0

Highlight of this version are the categories which all you to group up your crafts in the load menu.

Other changes:

  • Added option to disable the creation of histories
  • Added option to hide unloadable crafts
  • Changed method and variable names to be inline with each other

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  Van Disaster said:
All great so far :) haven't tried the categories yet but the rest is looking good. Thanks!

Only complaint is the craft list is unsorted.

I totaly missed that one :). New release 1.1.1 (awesome version number \o/) which added sorting of the crafts.
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I have been working on a pretty nice update over the last few days.

I shrunk the icons a tiny bit so they take less space(yay even more space to show crafts!).

Wanted to create history entries only on demand ? Now there is a new option which adds this feature. By enabling it and clicking on save craft it will save the craft and create a history entry.

Multiple categories can now be assigned to crafts and they will show up in all of them. Easy way of removing and adding categories through a separate window is now possible too. But no worries the old way of categorizing crafts still works :).

Another thing that i spend quiet some time on is the use of multiple threads to speed up the loading of all the info which wont freeze the game anymore. It still has some little bugs in it (exceptions being thrown by the ui) which i hope to fix before any release.

Something very simple yet really useful: a search feature for all the crafts. Need to find the needle in the haystack ? No more going through the whole list just type what you are looking for.

Of course all this needs some polishing so it will take some more time. But i wanted to know what you guys think about these new features!

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