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The gilly military base.

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Hey guys, After thinking about it for a couple days, I think it would be a good idea to attempt to build a military base on gilly. The requirements are stock with Bd armory, You simply have to make a armored structure carrying weapons. Then take the best warship you've built or downloaded and attempt to destroy it! :D

Why gilly?

Gilly actually has strategic value being its low gravity and high orbit around eve, You can launch a ship from gilly and get just about anywhere on much less deltaV then from LKO.

Sorry but my schedule is so full of stuff that i cant try this myself, I wish i could though i just love space battles ;) , I hope you guys enjoy, And i hope i'm not breaking any forum rule in this post ( I read the rules this time so if i accidently break them im in big trouble :) )

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