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Uber Rover

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I haven\'t tried this myself, I was just interested to see if it could be done.

Basically, use any sort of rover wheels to get the largest base you can build rolling about the Mun.

Bonus points for not using Instant Orbit or Anti-Grav, but really, what I want to see is the whacking great constructions, so get your imaginations moving. Extra bonus points if your rover can locate Munoliths.

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I tried launching this beast, but I was getting less than 1 fps and couldn\'t do anything meaningful with it. I know you allow Gravtisapa etc. but I just can\'t bring myself to use those...


Nearly 2500 tons launch mass, as you can see it burnt through approx 200 tons of propellant in the first 30 seconds of flight :)

Rover masses nearly 300 tons and has 48 wheels... so i figure it should be capable of supporting itself on the Munar surface. Now only if the nice chaps down at the LHC would allow me to borrow some of their processing time to see if this thing holds together!

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