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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. I saw the same thing. I think it is a graphics glitch. Mouse-over the selections (without clicking anything) and they will highlight and then return to normal with only one showing as selected.
  2. i7-4790K CPU (4c 8t at 3.6GHz) 32GB DDR3 at 1600MHz GTX 960 I had the graphics settings at Medium, at 1920x1080, Borderless. Performance in the VAB is not great but bearable. In flight, if there is any terrain visible it is a slideshow at about 5fps and the simulation runs at about one quarter real-time (four seconds elapsed per simulated second). If I look up at the sky, or I am in orbit and look away from the planet, it is much, much better. About 20-30fps and the simulation is approximately real-time (one second per second). In either case the GPU is pegged at 100% with about 4.4GB GPU memory allocated (2GB on the card and 2.2GB "shared"). The CPU is hardly loaded at all; less than 10% during orbit, re-entry and landing with a fairly minimal craft. The game was using about 14GB of memory.
  3. When typing text in the description panel of a flag, comma and period still have their regular function, adjusting time-warp and pausing/unpausing the game. Other key-bindings might also still be active; I didn't check, I just noticed the time-warp because of the resulting pop-up.
  4. More rover testing. Munfried seems pleased with the afternoon's work.
  5. Ponoko do laser cutting and engraving of acrylic (and a lot of other things). We use them at work; they're pretty good.
  6. Rover testing going about as well as expected.
  7. Yes, I have that Logitech Extreme 3D Pro too. I don't use it for rockets or rovers, but for flying planes it is great. Much easier than the keyboard.
  8. My understanding is that internal to the game a planet's biomes are represented by an image map. Different colours represent different biomes. The game decides which biome you are in my looking up your position on the map and seeing what colour that pixel is. At the boundaries between biomes, where one colour gives way to another, there can sometimes be a small fringe of an intermediate colour on the map. That is why there appears, in certain areas, to be a small fringe of tundra biome between the KSC and grasslands biomes. It happens elsewhere too. Use this knowledge wisely. It's handy for science.
  9. After landing at the equator then driving for many days, my Ike rover has finally reached Ike's south pole. Satisfyingly, there is a small peak there.
  10. My Ike rover landed on the equator and, for reasons having to do with accepting a contract without fully understanding how big Ike is, has been driving south for quite a while now. Today, finally, the south pole is in view. It's that flat peak on the horizon on the left. Hooray! Once it reaches the pole the rover is about two-thirds of the way to its final destination. Not quite so hooray.
  11. I found a place on Ike I am naming "Pogo Point". I can't drive anywhere near it without being mysteriously bounced upwards.
  12. There have been some challenges involving the island airstrip, including the Low Flyer challenge: can you fly there from the KSC and land on the airstrip while staying below 150m the whole way. There were some supplemental challenges for low mass, minimum parts count, lowest altitude on the way, etc. That was fun, but many of the craft in that thread no longer work due to ion engines being (correctly) nerfed in atmosphere now.
  13. You don't have to wait until the mothership is directly overhead, just wait until its orbital plane is overhead. That will happen twice every Minmus day. Then launch into an orbit of roughly the same altitude as the mothership. You won't be at the same place, but it will be require little delta-V to adjust your orbit higher (to fall back) or lower (to catch up) to meet it.
  14. One more for today; driving my newly landed rover across Duna. Props to the Camera Tools mod for the camera angle.
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