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  1. The UI scaling fixes the readability - mostly - Thank you very much! ... But the wordwrap of length causes overlap between lines in the display in my case if I go over 89% with the UI Scaling Bar. For better text size readability I'd prefer 100-105% scaling but the overlap is bad in that range. I'd put in images for what it looks like, but I don't think I'm allowed to yet due to post count (lurker for years). It needs one of two things, a wider wordwrap limit *or* adding one line (target name) and shortening the rest of the labels to prevent wordwrap by removing the target name from them like this: Target: <target name> Distance: <value> ETA: <value> Heading: <value> Beyond the wordwrap problem, I think the shorter form above would read easier by being less busy.
  2. Best I think would be making it default to stock UI which should cover many cases, but have a Waypoint Manager option to use 4kSP settings instead in case there's an undesired issue in scaling where you don't want them to be same as stock UI (I.E. you can set them larger or smaller than stock). That ought to cover anyone's desired size setting regardless of screen resolution.
  3. Didn't know there were 5, I normally only have 3 (the top 3 in your list). Yeah, those are the ones...
  4. Following the advent of 4kSP, most every thing that was an eyestrain for this decrepit old f**t on dual 27" 2560x1440 monitors became manageable. The remaining worst case is the up to three lines waypoint manager puts on screen near center top, which are *really* hard to read. Any chance a way to increase that text size can be added?
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