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Everything posted by Delay

  1. That looks stunning! Can't wait!
  2. Sure, but... What does that have to do with patience running thin? You can ask for more clarity and be patient simultaneously?
  3. Banned because being shy is my thing.
  4. I looked at how the effect works and you basically use a timer that's counting down from some huge number to zero, and the burnout effect is active while that timer is > 0. Is the thrust variable the only thing that can vary an effect's strength? I don't know nearly enough about the ins and outs of Waterfall to suggest anything here, unfortunately.
  5. That flameout effect is intentional (although I wish it slowly weakened over time). During a space shuttle launch the boosters kept burning for quite a while longer without producing any thrust. Maybe it does last a bit too long,though. I guess the sound is intentional too.
  6. Huh... seems like I might've had an outdated version. Reinstalled waterfall and testing it right now. If that fixes it then I'm really sorry for the inconvenience! Edit: Yeah... that did it. Fixed the Kickback problems I had as well. Only problem left is the RAM's effect offset. Again, I'm really sorry for bothering you with something that turned out to be my fault!
  7. Sure! Most of this are related to JNSQ, and I re-downloaded all mods for this install, so everything should be up to date. Edit: One more thing: The Kickback in combination with with BetterSRBs results in a flameout time that's longer than whatever you set the timer to. The result is: No flameout effect!
  8. Hi! I'm having a slight issue with RSMP in combination with Restock & BetterSRBs. One of the effects isn't working right and is resulting in a purple column: The culprit seems to be mainPlume in srb-waterfall. If I disable it, the column is gone. Speaking of this engine, this is the RAM from BetterSRBs. the srb-waterfall effect also has an error in that its Z offset is 30.37 in the config (placing it far away from the engine). I manually changed it to 0.37 and it looks much better. I can (try to) provide more details if necessary, of course.
  9. Ah, see, the way I understood it that there was an automated system sending debug information in case of any crash.
  10. Note that underhandedly introducing DRM via Steam's update configs is not on the list. Kerbal Space Program thrived because of mods, and KSP 2 will most likely be no different. If this change was intentional it would be more that one shot in the foot. Plus, you'd have to shut down all other avenues for legally purchasing the game for the Steam metrics argument to even make sense.
  11. Would you also get reports from (future) modded games? Because I would imagine that could easily end up being confusing when a mod caused the game to crash.
  12. I think you're being way too pessimistic about the intentions of the devs; it's almost like you're spinning a conspiracy around everything that happens around this game. I know it's easy to say something like this after the fact (as it has been revealed to be a mistake), but I certainly wouldn't have assumed malicious intent on the side of the devs. I fully side with Tom Scott on this one - "bet on incompetence (or in this case, the human ability to make a mistake) rather than malice".
  13. I waited with any orbital attempts until after I unlocked them. Very nearly lost Jeb on the one try without one! Orbiting at almost 4 km/s is a lot less forgiving than at 2.2!
  14. After recently being made aware of the existence of JNSQ, I decided to give that planet pack a go. Oh, and Kerbalism and those kinds of mods that I've never used before. And I'm aware that I haven't played KSP in a long time and that I'm absolutely not the target audience for these kinds of mods, but I'm always up for a good challenge. It took over 2 hours and I don't know how many attempts to (admittedly over-)engineer a vehicle that could go to orbit. But it felt incredibly rewarding! It's like my first hours in the game all over again, there's so much I'll have to relearn. It was lots of fun.
  15. Maybe, in the name of even more transparancy, the QA process employed (or anything else related) should be given some time in the spotlight as well in these update posts? Seems like there's lots of concern here that their job is not adequate.
  16. Didn't they say at some point or another that the Kerbol system would be mostly untouched, especially with regards to axial tilt? That being said, I don't blame them for adding some. By the time you get to any one of these three destinations I'm sure you're ready to be introduced to axial tilt!
  17. I pointed that out to him as well (we both already knew this kind of recharging existed because it was used in F1 since 2010.). He meant recharging a battery analogously to how a lead battery is recharged in an ICE car. So he very much meant to use electricity to spin a thing and that thing would then generate electricity.
  18. While I would agree with this, think about it like this - given the number of game-breaking bugs even three versions in, how long would it have taken if the game wasn't EA?
  19. Parts are the things that implement the features. Can't fly without wings or do science without science parts, right?
  20. I didn't even consider that! I only argued with the conservation of energy and thermodynamics.
  21. I had an... interesting, slightly heated discussion with my father yesterday, where I tried to convince him that adding a generator to an electric vehicle to recharge the battery would end up wasting more electrical energy than it would generate, thus discharging the battery even faster. I failed.
  22. My 600 mm lens is back from repair! And it sits a lot tighter on the cameras now. It's only been 11 days and I missed wildlife photography so much... Ohh, not sure EVs are all that appealing to me. I'm actually a lot into vintage cars, which, I am aware, would be a nightmare to maintain, but given our good public transport in Germany I'd only drive for special occasions anyways (I don't even have a drivers license right now). But because I love thinking about hypotheticals like this - if I could own any old car of my choosing, legally drive it and find the means to maintain it I would still be torn between at least the BMW 501 and the Mercedes-Benz 170 V. These old cars simply look a lot more elegant and luxorious than any modern car, they have this unique... "personality", if you will?
  23. So, last October I bought myself a telephoto lens. Having 600 mm at your disposal is really helpful for wildlife photography! Today, around half a month later, it all but certainly kicked the bucket. More often than not my camera doesn't recognize it anymore, shows F-- in the aperture, doesn't autofocus etc. Now, that happened every now and then for a few months, but so far I was at least hopeful that it was either the camera's fault or the cold temperatures messing with the contacts or the mount. Well, since it was quite warm today and both of my cameras resisted working with it (other lenses work perfectly on both!) I can throw these ideas out. The lens is the problem. Looks like I'll have to send it to Sigma and have it repaired. I hope it can be repaired. Sending in for repair is something I've never had to do before... In any case, wildlife photography is out for now. How about I try my hand at landscape photos, then?
  24. I'm confused, why are you talking about KSP 1?
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