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  1. I have had a zero debris policy for most of the time I've played KSP (even for interplanetary flights), but I honestly cannot see myself being impeded by funding even at the highest difficulty level, so my return missions will probably continue to be single launch/payload return only affairs as I simply can't be bothered with multiple launch/recovery mission architectures.
  2. This is what I was actually hoping for, but I think the game needs an aerodynamic overhaul and stock fairings first. The "rescue a randomly placed, helpless kerbal from x" offends the Kerbal Space Program Administrator in me.
  3. I'm personally looking forward to starting again for the nth time with new challenges. Kudos Squad et al.
  4. I've understood the currencies to be science and money, as they can both be exchanged for other things.
  5. Increased first stage performance is kind of the entire point of using the 2.5m 30/45 cluster, especially for a monolithic launcher. Also the 2.5m 6xT30 + 1xT45 cluster parallel staging requires the same decoupler/strut configuration as Mainsail or Skipper 2.5m parallel staging.
  6. I'd have to say the Mainsail and Skipper, because LV-T30/45 cluster. Oh and all wings/aero-control surfaces, I have absolutely no use for them.
  7. KerbalKon Third Anniversary December 12-13
  8. I found some old pics of the largest transfer stage I have ever launched: As it was just a proof of concept it was promptly deorbited without ever seeing a payload, and I never did get around to making a payload worthy of its throw weight.
  9. 33yo 3 way asparagus seems to be a common theme for me, so I'd say sci-fi
  10. I learned it from someone else on these forums a long time ago, It's definitely a game changer.
  11. I haven't used a Mainsail for around a year now, and have not used the Skipper at all, even though I have a tendency to build big. All of my 2.5m boosters use a hexagonal cluster of LVT-T30s (mounted on BZ-52 Radial Attachment Points) around a single LV-T45, this setup offers much better performance and greater load bearing capacity (I rarely have to use launch clamps, even with >1kT GLOW rockets), so to me the Mainsail and Skipper are utterly pointless.
  12. After collecting a surface sample on Minmus and turning back to the lander I was greeted with this view:
  13. I made a manned landing and return from Ike with cross-fed droptanks and a single LV-909 as my transfer(from LKO)/land/return stage, with a chute and a higher transfer orbit from the launcher it should manage a Duna return.
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