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  1. I'm trying to create a simple tank but it is invisible in KSP. I've tried exporting the the texture as mbm, png and tga and needless to say reloaded all the modules after applying changes. Right now I have a cfg, an .mu and an .mbm file in GameData/MyParts/parts/tank2 directory. The texture appears to work in Unity What am doing wrong? I have added mesh (selected concave), the texture appears in the asset menu and the scaling is kept 1.0 both in Unity and the cfg file.
  2. Found it in the config file of J-404 engine: MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = Gimbal gimbalRange = 10 gimbalResponseSpeed = 8 useGimbalResponseSpeed = true } Excellent, thank you martinezfg11!
  3. Makes sense, thank you. What are the API modules for thrust vectoring by the way?
  4. I'm having the same problem. Here's what I have done so far: - created a cylinder in Blender with 12 vertices and added a texture of colour red (it's for testing purposes) - imported the blender file in .fbx to the asset folder in Unity along with the texture in .png - created a new project in Unity (blender file and texture file in the asset folder), imported Part Tools, created a new empty game object - dropped the fbx file in the game object and dropped the texture on it, not surprisingly I got a red cilinder - created the mesh and chose KSP diffuse - imported the mu file and the texture in tga - added a .cfg file with roughly the same parameters as a similar sized stock tank and referenced the mu file as 'tank.mu' (which is the actual file name, not 'model') - after reloading everything, the part appears in the menu white and is invisible when dropped in VAB (attach points can be seen) I've tried to debug it and I could find both the texture and the part, they showed up in Database. I also tried to reload the database, delete the material in re-do it and nothing changed. Any ideas?
  5. Firespitter/KAX uses the stock engine module and it seems to work okay-ish, though there is no collective pitch. Why the doubt, Sarbian? I considered writing my own plugin but right now I just want a simple, stock based part to start with.
  6. Hi all, this is my first mod, please be gentle! I'm not happy with the Firespitter/KAX helicopter parts so I decided to write my own. So far I have managed to model and animate a main rotor. Importing it to Unity seems pretty straightforward. However I need help with the cfg referencing. I assume I use KPS's own ModuleEngine to generate thrust. How do I set the vector of the engine (so it points upwards)? I noticed that the Firespitter/KAX config files use the reaction wheel (ModuleReactionWheel) to steer the helicopter. Can't I use gimbal instead? Any help would be appreciated!
  7. Problem solved: stupidly I didn't realise that right-clicking the dishes you can select a target. Ever since I select target, I can reach the furthest point of the Kerbal system. The three satellites around Kerbin, plus one keosynchronous com sat all have multiple big dishes that can reach the furthest corners. One more thing: I find it difficult to control my satellites with Remotetech. There's a mapper sat around Duna and I whenever I try to switch on the SAS for manual control, it turns on for a second then turns off again after the elapsed delay (about 1.45m). Without the SAS it's almost impossible to orient the satellite and set the right inclination and orbital period. Any ideas why?
  8. Wow, thanks!!!! The satellites have plenty of charge and never run out. I guess the GX-128's beam is just too narrow, I will try another dish. Which antenna would you recommend for Kerbin-Mun communication?
  9. Thanks for your help! All the three satellites are 'online': they are constantly connected to each other and at least one of them is linked connects to the ground station. Each satellite's big dish points away from Earth.
  10. How does one set the orbital period? I understand what it is but I cannot figure out how on Kerbin set it to an orbit? For instance if I have a satellite at 300km altitude polar orbit, what is the 0.8hours bit?
  11. I can't manage to establish connection over 6000km. I have a network of three satellites at 1000km orbit, all of them with Reflectron GX-120. All the three point away from Earth (radial). Yet when I launch a probe toward the Mun, the link breaks, even if the probe has the GX-120 and it points toward Kerbin. Any idea what I do wrong?
  12. I've just installed Firespitter on Mac OS X and NOTHING works. Not only there are no sounds and the propellers spin constantly, I can't toggle gears, the air brake or anything that moves. I followed the instructions and it's borken. What am I doing wrong?
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