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  • KSP Weekly October 1, 2013


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    <h2> October 1, 2013 </h2>
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    <h3> ##ITEM TITLE ## </h3>
    <p> ## ITEM CONTENT ## </p>
    <li> ## LIST ITEM ##</li>
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    <h3>KSP Headline</h3>
    <p> R&D explained as developer Felipe 'Harvester' gives us more details. </p>


    <li> Your weekly KSP Team update. </li>
    <li> Colour makes the world more interesting.</li>
    <li> Enhancing your nav ball experiences. </li>
    <li> Pleborian lays down his pen and ink to focus on his university studies. </li>
    <li> The Kethane Travelling Circus comes to town! </li>
    <li> Didn't get into the weekly? We are soon planning to share your items on our official Facebook / Twitter so don't forget to follow our social media! </li>


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    <h4>KSP Team Updates</h4>
    <li><b>Felipe (Harvester)</b>: I've done a huge amount of work on R&D to get it all working. The main hurdles are mostly cleared now, so only the thousands of little details remain. Added new experiments for the old sensor parts, added surface sample collection for EVAs, and added a module to allow EVAs to store their experiments upon boarding the vessel. This was critical because otherwise, the data would be destroyed when the EVA character is removed. Once stored, the experiment data lives in the pod and can be recovered or transferred like any other experiment. Apart from that I’ve also continued work on the new Science UI to make it as intuitive as possible. All experiments can be reviewed once data is collected and the UI lets you choose what to do with the data (transmit, keep or dump). That’s working nicely now. Also added a system to award “recovery†data when recovering vessels that have been places. Makes sense that you’d learn something from reverse-engineering a vessel that didn’t explode. Lastly, got the R&D screen to appear from clicking the new R&D facility at KSC, got to play with the entire system for the first time. Lots of small things still left to take care of, but it’s finally starting to look like something.</li>

    <li><b>Rob (N3X15)</b>: Lots of work on Spaceport 2.0: Screenshot gallery support, documentation attachment support, added Markdown parsing to addon descriptions and changelog (we actually HAVE an addon description page now), fixed our database upgrade system breaking things, tag voting system is in and works beautifully (although it looks ugly at the moment), fixed our XSS filtering library being broken on PHP 5.3+, and adding missing templates. Also various other things this week, like forum issues, helping Alex with our new CDN, and figuring out what to do with Old Spaceport. Overnight update - Completed styling of tag entries.</li>

    <li><b>Jim (Romfarer)</b>: This week i had to update all 55 icons we use on the new R&D gui and upgrade those that were..., well, unfinished. As the R&D stuff enters the testing phase this week there has been a lot of things to do making it all work as Felipe mentioned. Since the tricky parts of my gui code was completed weeks ago i have mostly been assisting Felipe hooking it all up to the backend. </li>

    <li><b>Chad (C7)</b>: I’ve been spending my time helping out wherever I can with 0.22. Creating descriptions, experiments, and adding new art assets to the game.</li>

    <li><b>Alex (aLeXmOrA)</b>: Working on the setup of a new CDN network from where users will be downloading the game, instead of AWS. </li>

    <li><b>Daniel (danRosas)</b>: Guess what I’ve been doing? You’re right, animating! </li>

    <li><b>Mike (Mu)</b>: I finished off the tune up work i’ve been doing. The profiling for this branch looks really great and I’m looking forward to it giving you all some performance overhead. </li>

    <li><b>Ted (Ted)</b>: Continued Testing Artyom's R&D Facility and the rearrangement of the KSC. Additionally, we've - the QA Team and I - have been gearing up to test R&D itself. Additionally, Branch Testing has been proving to be a very efficient method of Testing 0.22 and its first run has been very painless - always a good thing. </li>

    <li><b>Artyom (Bac9)</b>: Not much to tell, all the content I did is going through the testing process, so most of the stuff that needs to be done consists of small and unexciting fixes. Last thing I did was an improved runway collider and an altered runway model with some decal fixes, for example. Made some tweaks to a few textures, added the updated island runway. </li>

    <li><b>Miguel (Maxmaps)</b>: Planning for a local event by the name of Devhr.MX, which is looking like a complete ton of fun, also working with Bob on some super sweet stuff we’re not quite ready to talk about yet.</li>

    <li><b>Bob (Calisker)</b>: Put together some pretty exciting plans that aren’t ready for primetime just yet but should be fun. Just need to tie up a few loose ends first! </li>

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    <h3>YouTube Spotlight</h3>
    <p> Until now I hadn't heard of Dentipus. With his video 'Colours' he exploded on to the scene from seemingly nowhere with brilliant camera work and attention to detail. In this video short you'll be traveling across the Kerbalverse with style.</p>
    <div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/Dentipus?feature=watch"_blank">Dentipus</a></div>
    <div align="center"><iframe width="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uX5gnhQ33zs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div>


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    <h3>KSP Mod Spotlight</h3>
    <p> Today we spotlight EnhancedNavBall which in its original concept was a planned feature for .18 but due to time limitations was forced to be pushed back. Kitoban has recreated the original plan for this implementation with some changes requested from the community. So while not 100% what was intended for the stock game, it still remains a very useful tool. This mod doesn't add any unique windows but instead uses the stock nav ball location and makes the changes required.</p>
    <li><a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50524-0-21-Enhanced-Navball-1-2/" title="" target="_blank">EnhancedNavBall Forum Thread</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://kerbalspaceport.com/enhancednavball/" title="" target="_blank">EnhancedNavBall Spaceport</a></li>

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    <h3>KSP Mod Showcase</h3>
    <p> In this mod showcase we'll go over all the features you can expect to see in EnhancedNavBall to enhance your overall maneuvering experience. </p>
    <div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv?feature=watch'>http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv?feature=watch"_blank">PD</a></div>
    <div align="center"><iframe width="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iVui6Fr1vuA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div>

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    <h3> Through The Telescope </h3>
    <p>Community Spotlights By: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv" target="_blank"> Alex </a></p>
    <p>Geschosskopf and <a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43871-The-Kethane-Travelling-Circus-EPISODE-14-The-Flight-of-the-D-OH!" title="" target="_blank">The Kethane Traveling Circus</a> have quite a story to tell of their adventures. Using a variety of mods and story telling in the form of forum posts you can follow their adventures. Currently on Episode 14 there is quite a bit of story to catch up on if you haven't previously seen this story. It is a very interesting read complete with photographs of their exploits.</p>


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    <h3>Editor's Notes</h3>
    <p> For your chance to be featured in the next KSP Weekly or on Facebook / Twitter send xPDxTV a private forum message containing a link to the forums, imgur, youtube, spaceport or wherever you have your fan creations hidden away! We want to see your screenshots, animations, drawings, videos, cinematics , mods and everything else! Mod creators: to help give all of your mods justice; if you would like to appear on the mod showcase to talk about your mod please include that in your message.


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    <b>Brought to you by the KSP Media Group</b><br/>
    Author / Editor: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv" target="_blank">xPDxTV</a><br/>


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