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  • Wanna look like a Kerbal? We got that, :)




    Wanna look like a Kerbal for KerbalKon and beyond? No problem we've got you covered! Below are some examples of the Kerbal Mask the dev team has made, take a look,







    So how do you make one of these? Simple,


    First, download the .zip file from one of the link below,
    Squad Server Direct Download: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/files/KerbalMask.zip


    Second, open the .zip and then open the file named "Instructions for Assembling a 3D Kerbal Head." Follow the instructions, and be sure to place the .pdo file into Pepakura viewer located here,


    Those of you who manage to pull this off and share it on Facebook and Twitter with us, will win a prize during KerbalKon tomorrow!
    -DR Community Manager

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