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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. And besides, the mod still isn't meant for public use. Because eggrobin is still developing the mod he needs to minimize troubleshooting and gain a dedicated user base and a smaller amount of users is the best way to do that.
  2. It does depend on your computer on how far into the future and how accurate the prediction path is. However, I have noticed that just like in the stock game floating point errors will screw up your path anyways. It is also super sensitive to conditions, so chances are you wouldn't be able to burn as accurately. Download it and give it a shot. You should be able to have a feel of its limitations as soon as you set up a flight plan and make a burn.
  3. Hello, I have been trying out this mod and it has been going great! I recently put a ship in Kerbin-Mun L1 for science purposes. Thank you for your hard work! Unfortunately I also had a crash, but I don't know if it is worth reporting so close to 1.1 I also wanted to ask, how do you pronunce Буняковски?
  4. Great! What I needed to know. I will give it a spin too, hopefully I won't run into any problems.
  5. I was thinking more along the lines of let it smash against the Mun at 2km/s
  6. Ah. This makes sense. I'm guessing it's for the machines that recycle water and oxygen. Cool. Now what to do with a ton of kerbal waste (poop)?
  7. I had this in mind since I saw this challenge. lol ion engine for the win. I had to made accelerate quickly towards the middle of the assent because it wanted to stay in Limbo at about 16km. Final time 12 minutes 39 seconds.
  8. Read it while I was on a lawn chair outside. I will post my full throttle attempt Today if I don't forget.
  9. LESS TALKY MOAR DOING! jk:sticktongue: Lets get this started at least... First off I wanted to show the exact opposite, a fast (but efficient) launch. This is a standard launch. No gimmicks, no goofing around, and straight to the point. This is what OP wants. Or at least it is in the spirit of it. No move and wait. So without further adieu... I set my max TWR at 1.3 and watched it fly. 12 minutes and 2 seconds with just enough Dv to de-orbit.
  10. I love this mod and I have been using it since before 0.24 in anticipation for the contract system. However, while changing the config file isn't difficult, will you be adding an in game menu so these and other changes can be done on the fly? Much like with the ComSat Contracts.
  11. I am glad that you have taken so well to the game! I hope to read more.
  12. It was almost like if a oxygen tank exploded in a capsule, wait...
  13. As a side note if they ever implemented a planet with rings, hope would that work game wise? Would you take damage of you passed though it, or would it just be an aesthetic piece? Adding rings could be considered adding detail to bring a planet up to Kerbin's level. I'm on my phone now and I would check the thread for answers but the forum is limited for mobile.
  14. Ooh that's on my list! I like doing big projects but I think I want the game itself to give me barriers to overcome. If the only barrier is yourself then it becomes quite easy to quit due to creativity issues or motivation. But when the game sets a challenge and it "mocks" me, that gets me pumped. Don't get me wrong, I do want extra funds to build cool craft and bring fifteen kerbals to an alien world. Also, I go easy on the science. I grab as much as I can without making it tedious.
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