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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yeah I find it unreasonable when attempting to make a SaturnV or starship rocket to kerbin scale be unusable and unplayable due to joints not being in a stable state, mean while the structure should be stable.
  2. #horse armor, anyway Squad is trying the best they can with what and whom they have, what is it like 16 Devs and 6 others(event people, advertising and Lobbyists)? so I'm not too surprised, I've had this game since version 0.1.7 so fairly early, has always had bugs pop up after a public release of a new version, but they have always gotten straight to stomping them out within a few weeks. this time around they had a game engine upgrade plus the regular type of up grading they usually do, so koodos to them. Also Yes they could throw their hands up and say "bye bye" and I wouldn't blame them, because a majority of they new players to the game don't know Squad, they don't know the work ethics and the amount of personal time and passion that the Team puts into this game and the new players seem to compare the work of the devs to larger companies and games like EA. The newer players also seem to complain about the bugs small or large a lot more to the point of frustration, then proceed to believe that the Devs don't care, which is unfair to the devs and must really dishearten them. to the devs I'd like to say keep up the good work, I know you guys will be on the bug stomp again after a well deserved break from the mad rush of the 1.1&1.1.2 releases.
  3. either way it makes me wanna yell "I don't like it,please put it back to the way it was!" only most likely with a more "colorful" array of words.
  4. well Idk about Unity being the main issue other than the fact that the game basically had to be rewritten for the change for Unity 5, landing legs where fine before that and same with docking so its a brand-new issue(I think don't quote me on it). it's not a terribly huge bug just an annoyance and also forgot to mention, for whatever reason I can't CTRL+left mouse on icons in staging to high-light and move them all at once.....just another annoyance I've noticed.
  5. Ok ran into an issue on a new sand box game, clean, no mods. currently I'm trying to build a mining base any way found a small issue with the LT-2 landing struts and the LT-1 landing legs while trying to build it in the space plane hanger, the issue is that the legs will not properly turn their normal 90 degrees they sort of go off on a crazy angle. here is a picture to help explain. as you can see the angles of change are kinda messed up.
  6. ah man the parts look even better now!, also i can't help but feeling that they look cute
  7. or he could through a "hidden Vulcan 20mm" on an I beam it would give roughly the same result that and i don't think BD is back from his Vacation yet, nor do i think he would make another 20mm static for "just because" reasons. not like him. from what I've noticed any way.
  8. Done, and done https://www.dropbox.com/s/5nomr88l5ba22dj/Smuagtheflyable.rar?dl=0
  9. yep job done, added control to the tail, and lengthened the back wings then emptied the oxidizer in most tanks to balance it. Look out kerbals! Smaug is coming for you!
  10. when you right click your KSP on you game list yeah its under properties, updates tab, under the automatic updates you can select the drop-down that you'd like to use.
  11. Sir, sir you are a champion, yes waiting for 0.25 is a good idea, no worries we can wait but might not be able to contain our excitement.
  12. For the DLL file i had to go to mircsoft.com and download that DLL then everything worked for me. hope this helps
  13. You might want to add Texture Replacer to your mod lineup, i know that it help me. Also doing a re-check of your gamedata folder/mods in the folder to make sure they are in there properly. As for your problem with loading vessels I dont have a clue because it has never given me a problem. Pre-made craft files may have parts you dont have or have yet to unlock in career/science mode my suggestion when adding/testing mods is to start a new sandbox mode save and see if everything works, also i personally don't like pre-made crafts so i delete them right away, heres the folder locations or how they should be found Squad pre-made ships: KerbalSpaceprogram/Ships/VAB /SPH delete files within those folders Kerbal Orbiter pre-mades when manually installing the pack(s) after extracting open KSOS....... then copy all files in the gamedata folder to the KSP gamedata folder. thats it i hope that it helps. PM me if you have still have problems we'll see if we can get ya straightened out.
  14. Had a idea, would it be possible to make individual cryo-sleep chambers, kind of like in halo or the movie alien?
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