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Everything posted by RAINCRAFTER

  1. Hi, I'm The Raincrafter, and the majority of people here have probably seen me at least once. I joined on October 27, 2014, and I kept posting here at the steady rate of ~1 a day for over a year, but around early February I entered a 9 month hiatus due to the new forum software, @Flymetothemun quitting, and a general lack of interest for the going-ons of the forums, and the only activity I had here was lurking every few months to see if I was comfortable falling back into the community. Today just so happened to be one of those days when I was lurking, and I thought that the community had finally gained enough interest from me to warrant a renaissance of my presence. So, I logged in, changed my avatar, and got to posting this (how meta). There were a few reasons I did this, and here they are in bullets: 1. I never stopped playing KSP. Seriously, I never did stop playing this game, even when I was completely silent over here. Actually, just a few days ago, I built my first functional SSTO in the aero model implemented all the way back in 1.0! So yeah, I am still playing the game to this day, but this wasn't the only reason. 2. The community seems more lively, and everyone's stats are higher. A lot more posts are being sent out than before, the Rep-Grand group is 1k instead of 500, and quite a few people have reached 1k posts (Salvager reached 10k in July!) I only remember the forums when it was impressive to have 500 rep and MadRocketScientist was the first guy to hit 1k posts, so I guess this encouraged me to come back. 3. The releases seem to be less problematic than usual. All the problems kind of took people away from the game (or at least being positive about it), and now that are starting to go away. 4. (The final reason) THE FORUM SOFTWARE ISN'T THAT BAD. It's no VBulletin, but I can say that I am used to it. So, there was that, and I hope you enjoy more of me here (expect regular posts for at least a week or two.) Rain Out.
  2. On June 24, 2011, Harvestr released the very first version of Kerbal Space Program accessible to the public on the Orbiter forums. It was a hit, garnering over 5000 downloads. Ever since, KSP has gotten more and more features, developers, and quality. Now, in three days, all of that time, second after eminent second, will add up to five years. The development of KSP has been beautiful and stunning at some points, yet agonizing and painful at others. However, no matter what happens, I do know that people will cling onto this game. The community will find any way possible to talk about KSP to other fans, family, or friends. The new developers will be dedicated to making KSP great, just like the old ones. We will all stick together, no matter what happens, and we will be together to the very end. I came out of hiatus here because I saw that there wasn't a high-ranking thread talking about any of this. Any of it. Not the flow of time, or our devotion to the game. So, I decided that it was my duty to let people understand the significance of June 24, 2016, A.D. as a date in the indefinite cycle of history, and to show people how our love for the community works. So, thank you KSP. Thank you Kraken. Thank you Felipe, Squad, Steam Board Mods, Forum Mods, Reddit Mods, Advanced Builders, Artists, and even Rookies. You are the ones that make KSP as special as it is. Thank You. :Hail Probe:
  3. Sorry for the very long hiatus, but I am going to try to have a rebirth with this "New and Improved" thing. I feel like the only way I can enjoy the KSP community with lots of people leaving, the crappy new forum software, and more, is to try to get a new craft repository going. All I'm trying to do is have fun, but the forums make it harder and harder nowadays. The shuttle is still on the way, there are new crafts in production, and I'm trying to retain my sanity. Cheers, Raincrafter.
  4. I can't leave. I have to do something. Cheers FlyMeToTheMun, it was nice being with you.
  5. What, it's been that long? Have a holiday video: Cheers, Raincrafter.
  6. Skip to 7:01. There, they show a gif of a Kerbal in a centerifuge to demonstrate how painful gunshots can be to the ear. The guy making the video is a really smart guy who makes other theories on his other channel, Game Theory. I love the Game Theory vids, so let's all tell him to make a #kerbaltheory ! (Also, mods, I don't know where this goes, but I want this to get attention, so please either put it in a place that fits or let it be.) Cheers, Raincrafter.
  7. Thanks for the feedback, I might try that for... whatever the next mission I haven't already done is. (The order of everything get confusing from here, folks.) Cheers, Raincrafter.
  8. SPM-2 finally exists. Oh yeah. Next up, a gigantic album filled with my failures to send up a crew module to the space station and a monopropellant fueler when the actual module runs out of it. Cheers, Raincrafter.
  9. Thanks, I plan to release the craft in my showcase thread in the Spacecraft Exchange soon! Also, more missions are planed, and like I already said, [quote name='RAINCRAFTER']I've already done the 2nd mission, but I don't want to upload it tonight.[/quote] Cheers, Raincrafter.
  10. Hello. I am the Raincrafter. I have a career Youtube series called "Kerbals Live on Duna", so I am clearly trying to log my missions. But what about those new sandbox missions? That's what this thread is for. Let's start with my first mission in 1.0.5; SPM-1. If you like this; great! There's more to come, because I've already done the 2nd mission, but I don't want to upload it tonight. Cheers, Raincrafter.
  11. [img]http://i.imgur.com/NrJb6P3.png[/img] Only up to date pic I have of my new space station. I don't really have an official name for it, but I unofficially refer to it as "Spacehouse Phoenix", seeing how I had a series of space stations long ago that all went under the name "Spacehouse [number]". Also, every part so far has been lifted by a sort of space shuttle, think normal space shuttle without the boosters. I'm about to launch a [B]HUGE[/B] new module in the next few days on a conventional rocket (I tried Shuttling it, but balance issues and TWR has made me give up.) So yeah, this is a cool thing, I guess. Cheers, [U][I] Raincrafter.[/I][/U]
  12. [quote name='Melfice']Or wait for the obligatory "THE OLD PARTS WERE BETTER YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER CHANGED A THING YOU'RE LITERALLY WORSE THAN HITLER" mod somebody is going to release.[/QUOTE] This has already happened with the old 1.25 meter stuff in the old updates before, like, 0.20, so I think [B]SOMEONE [/B]would be crazy enough to make a mod like that.
  13. It's cool, and a lot of awesome threads are there, and I would prefer that it stayed, but if enough history is preserved through stuff like showcase threads in the Spacecraft Exchange and Cryogenic Chambers deep in the Wayback Machine's Vaults, I think the RB might actually be able to die without me crying.
  14. "Okay, I won't copy paste, but I said everything was okay. And also that a new craft is coming soon. And it's a shuttle. And it will have a video. Yeah." - Raincrafter, Whenever This still holds true, and also I might try making the Dyna Soar yet again, from your advice. Cheers, Raincrafter.
  15. Way back when in 0.90 I used to use this one ship that looked like a spaceplane but parachuted down and had a two boosters on the side launch system called the Behemoth a lot. Now I've used a shuttle I've made in 1.0.5 twice, and plan to keep using it.
  16. [quote name='Endersmens']Can't suggest OBS enough. It's just good.[/QUOTE] Well, it's at least a starting mark, so yeah. Also, if you have $6 dollars to spare along with an IOS device, iMovie is what I use because it's a starting marker, and it's really easy to use.
  17. Raincrafter's Showcase! Hello, and welcome to my showcase! I make all sorts of craft, so yeah. Warning: Spacecraft may vary from what they look like in the albums. Replicas First of all, there's the Voyager Replica that I made, which has been changed into Rain's Voyager, and here is the album+download: Difficulty: Moderate Kind of hard on assent, but everything is smooth sailing in space. Download for Rain's Voyager coming SOONtm. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The second probe is going to be a loose New Horizons replica known as... Krew Korizions. Difficulty: Easy Everything is easy, just remember that after you've used and decoupled the Centaur and that SRB, the probe's propulsion is the RCS, and you also have to extend the solar panels. Krew Korizions download coming SOONtm. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here it is... the spacecraft every Orbiter fan wanted in KSP... Luna E3 (:hailprobe)! Difficulty: Easy Too much TWR at launch. If you throttle right, welcome to space! Also, welcome to easy! It's the :hailprobe: probe, and the download is coming SOONtm. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ah, yes, this is a classic. This is the showcase's first full on plane, the KerbalRain Fighter 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF7ZafjmXWY Difficulty: Easy The thing flies with just enough control to feel perfect, but not too much. (Also, about the other name, REBRANDING. Hard Rebranding.) The First Download of New and Improved! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fictional Crafts Ok, it's time I release a craft that's not a replica. So here it is; the mess from the end of Toy Story! Difficulty: Easy You don't even have to try to fly this thing with the rocket, and falling with style is Moderate difficulty. You've got a friend in me if you rep me for this craft! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So remember, I also take requests if you actually have any, and Goodbye!
  18. The Schwartzenhegger series of rockets was my first legitimate series of rockets that didn't use cheats, with Schwartzenhegger 5 being the first with multiple stages and getting higher than 70k. Schwartzenhegger 15 was the first to escape Kerbin, and mind you; that was going straight up because I didn't know how to get into an orbit yet. The 20s were massive failures trying to land on the Mün and failing, but all of these rockets still live in glory. Then there was the Behemoth, which was basically a cargo bay with a cockpit and an engine slapped to it as well as two decoupled LF/O boosters for a launch stage. It landed on parachutes, and it delivered so many probes. Eventually, I had to make an SSTO, so I did one called the Ty Fighter, which didn't do a lot, but was still cool and awesome, and it also got me the 0.90 K-Prize. Finally, 1.0 came out, and I have tons of cool new crafts. Cheers, Raincrafter.
  19. Jeb achieved his first orbit proudly.
  20. Here it is, my let's play of Fez. It's cool, and I hope you enjoy it.
  21. Guess what? I recorded footage of the Steam game Fez today! Ok, explanation: There was this platformer on Steam called Fez that I really wanted, and it was 80% off. I got it for $2, and because reasons, I decided to record my first reactions to the game. And let me just tell you- it gets kind of insane. Not Kerbals Live on Duna insane, but still insane. Stillll insane. Cheers, Raincrafter.
  22. And that's it. Until Kuzzter feels like starting all over, that's the end. Kerbfleet has been milked for all of it's worth across this plot-line, by Mort for money and Kuzzter for a truly inspiring story. This is truly Kuzzter's Magnum Opus, and he would have to be a god to do anything better than this. I don't know the quality of his next thing, I don't know what it's coming out, but I can assume that it will be at least a slight downgrade after beginning his run with a bang, and it won't be out for a long time. Good Job, Kuzzter. Good Job, Kerbals. Let's all have a hydrazine toast, and know that this is the best thing ever. Cheers! This is The Raincrafter, and that is my opinion on the recent events of the comic's universe.
  23. Here it is, Kerbals Live on Duna #1. I really like it, and I hope you guys also enjoy it. Cheers, Raincrafter. (Sidenote: The volume is low, so you should go and get your headphones or blast it full volume if you want to hear the game. Toodles!)
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