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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. The new dev19 is working fine for me too, was able to select reference part and turn prograde with rpm mechjeb, Thanks!
  2. Apart from this MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'MuMech.MechJebModuleSmartASS.Engage'. that I'm also having, the KSP-AVC is reporting that rasterpropmonitor is build to run on KSP 0.25. Im using the RasterPropMonitor-dev19.zip version and MechJeb2-
  3. the latest update for kw on git (5 hours ago) has one "}" too much in the end of the KW1mengineMaverick1D config. Removing it returns the sweet juicy real fuel configs.
  4. I want to report a possible typo in the RO_Laztek_Launch.cfg file namely the LazTekFalcon9EngineHousing mass modifier. It says @mass = 21.16 which I'm 90% sure should be something less like @mass = 2.116
  5. Yes I meant those files. Both have @PART[RLA_rcs_5way]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] and @PART[RLA_rcs_linear]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] with mostly overlapping configs with some differences also. I don't know which is more up to date or correct.
  6. Its because for example RLA rcs thrusters have configs in both utility and rcs .cfg files that conflict with each other. One or the other should be removed/altered. Edit: in the RO .cfg files
  7. In a 0.90 RO install using latest RO files from github the procedural parts (any procedural part) node size increases with diameter up to 3 m but after that it does not increase in size. Similar thing also happens in a stock + only proc parts install where the node size increase stops at 3.75 m, this is however no problem with stock sized & massed parts. But in RO where masses and sizes can be bigger this node size limitation on proc parts prevents launching anything bigger. Am i missing something here like NodeResizer mod or similar?
  8. To be exact its probably case sensitive so "the Mun.att" and "the Mun.png" is how it works.
  9. Custom biomes expects the mun files to be named "the mun.att" and "the mun.png" to work. Rename the files and it works, at least its not stock anymore then. But about the mirroring I don't know anything.
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