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    Curious George

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  1. Beautiful, Mark... would love to Beta-test anything you have made changes to so far. Making the ship Modular sounds like a great idea. Having the ability to customize and configure a monstrous beast would give everyone much more replay option, and balance out to the realism of development. If it works, this would greatly enhance our inspiration to tinker and build. A Heatshield (ablative or not) sounds great too, but it's true getting aerodynamics to work as advertised by Elon should stay a top priority in my book. I'm still unsure how easily this 'bullet' will ultimately turn, testing and developing control surfaces of my own, investigating how the other early ITS designs out there are working (and not working). I'd be happy to offer back more direct feedback, share my own design mods, whatever you need to keep your development on this going, inspiring more peeps to the real world engineering table.
  2. Spacedock still thinks this is an outdated mod, not working with current KSP version. They need enlightenment https://spacedock.info/mod/269/SpaceX Launch Vehicles
  3. Very comprehensive discussion still going on at subreddit. Thanks for that. Full link here: https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/5itma8/spacex_mars_colonization_simulation_by_mark/ Eager to know how the Split-Flaps development is going as well for aero control surfaces.
  4. Will this great mod ever be available on CKAN? Flexo currently has his version in early development on CKAN, just wondering if you would put yours up to install that way as well.
  5. Great work, Thrimm! I just wanted to add info from Elon himself after his AMA yesterday about craft tail control surfaces for landing in full atmosphere... ( https://www.reddit.com/user/ElonMuskOfficial/ ) So 'split flaps' like on the vertical stabilizer of the Space Shuttle might be what we end up with for atmospheric controls, but equally important is the center of lift positioned so we can Stall the craft upwards at the last moment to allow the gimbaling engines to set us down gentle and not nose-dive every time.
  6. More info from Elon himself after his AMA yesterday about craft tail control surfaces for landing in full atmosphere... (Full Transcript here at: ELON MUSK's Latest AMA! ) So SPLIT FLAPS like on the Space Shuttle's vertical stabilizer might be what we end up with for atmospheric control surfaces, something like AirBrakes or GridFins possibly on the base of the tri-'wings'. Also important is the Center of Lift positioned so we can properly Stall the craft upwards at the last moment in Kerbin/Earth air to let the gimbaling engines set us down gentle and not nose-dive so easy. Great, fun work, Thrimm!
  7. Fantastic, Flexo & Haxorlols! Eagerly awaiting your next updated version
  8. Bloody Terrific, Laz Please let us know how we can help you to better Develop/Test this great Add-on, and I'll keep directing all those who aspire to join SpaceX ranks to send their donations to LazTek. ~Bravo!
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