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Everything posted by jpkerman

  1. Mocha2007 wrote "Am I seriously the only one getting these bugs?!" MJ is working fairly Ok for me. No VAB breaks and stuff and I run it from my downloads folder. It seems to me that many of the MJ problems posted have a bit to do with certain other mods in addition to MJ's weak areas. I really only use the Ascend, Orbital information, rendezvous, docking and landing functions. My most common problem is getting within 100 meters to select a docking port but that is probably because I do not properly set my orbits but just launch when I want to. The twitchy/stability issues seem to come when MJ and the new reaction wheel/input 'set' period are interacting. MJ is either 'on or off' while the reaction wheel SAS has a period after keyboard input (which is how the .21 setup will interpret MJ commands) to determine what headings you want it to hold. Pre .21 when MJ turned 'off' the capsule SAS was immediately applied. Now there seems to be a period of reduced control. Rendezvous to other planets always need a periapsis correction and autoland needs to be watched in case manual takeover is needed. (but happened to the first moon landing IRL) While the other attempt to fix MJ is notable and needed, it is having it's own problems and the lead for that attempt has stated they "...can do some minor patch and use patch from others.", so I do not know if high level re-coding will be possible. My greatest fear is since Squad has alluded that an autopilot will not be in the final release and with MJ being the only comprehensive assisted control mod, that further game improvement will not be concerned at all in not breaking MJ and it will become deprecated. It may become needed that rather than patched a 'light' version of MJ basic functions needs to be coded that works in .21 and a 2nd generation MJ be created. For me, the last build of KSP that works (even if buggy) with MJ will be where I stop with KSP.
  2. Love the Vostok. Bill is currently in orbit but he is in the dark. Isn't there a light in the capsule?
  3. For fans of this plugin, MrTheBull (Space Factory) has just released a Vostok so there has been debate in that thread of this plugin to simulate the ejection and separate parachute landing of the Kerbalnaut.
  4. Which bothered you more, the criticism or the ponies? Curious minds want to know.
  5. You should be able to load several different countdowns into a folder and have your program (which is a very good addition to the game) pick randomly which one to use much as the Chatterer mod plays random clips. That should provide enough difference to the countdown.
  6. The development Wiki states that Squad will not have an autopilot in the stock game. No one, Kerbal or otherwise, could have an effective space program without some level of computer flight assistance. Whether MJ, Orda or what-ever-comes-along-next, I will stop at the last update that has some sort of input directed control assistance to space craft operation. i do not use the SPH or any of the aircraft so I am not directing my comments to those type of operations.
  7. I really dislike the 'Kerbal States' on the tank side, could you include a plain skin?
  8. Kerbals were created and scattered across Kerbin by the great HavesteR in the sky. That's why they have an irresistible desire to explore space. To find their creator and get updated.
  9. It is a 'must have mod' to me for the stack parachutes, escape towers and mini decouplers . I don't like radial chutes on capsules and I can place an escape tower atop a docking port on a stack parachute with no conflict to either part operating just like historical craft. I would love to use the fairings but till they actually help the aerodynamics I leave them alone to keep part count and clutter removal down.
  10. "Your specs only matter to a certain extent. Unless your running linux version KSP is 32bit program, so that means 3-4gb max for mem usage, go past that and your gonna crash the game regardless of how beast your machine is." Interesting. With so many features yet to be implemented, it would seem that there could be limited room for mods to the final game. A situation that has limited the appeal/life span of other games. Perhaps Squad needs to start envisioning a KSP II.
  11. "...I put a protracter up to my screen,..." Squad clearly wants to prove that one does not have to be a big budget, software giant to make a commercially viable, top level game. Any add-on, user created mod that relies on a protractor being held up to a monitor cannot be considered a competent addition to the game. As this game evolves and flight operation difficulty increases, the automated 'flight computer' mod that has the best chance to help this product meet it's high aim will be the one that is all inclusive of beginners and space game grognards and provides all support on-screen and in-game.
  12. You can edit the NP satellites and unmanned control pod to Mechjebs also. That way they will not be marked as 'debris' in the tracking station and you can control them if you add parts. (plus no Kerbalnauts in your unmanned items)
  13. Made two sub orbital test launches. Very strong capsule ASAS but I did not get much clearance when I jettisoned the service module. I believe that in the Apollo program the CM would translate 'down and away' on their thrusters when casting off the SM. Since we do not have working RCS built into the capsules I would suggest a bit of ejection force on the proper part to move the lander/engine section away.
  14. Good points, they (in the other thread) may have been accepting the pod at it's designated 1m name as total size, not the extra size scale factor. The pods see to be rounded down in naming. Almost as if the named size 1m, 2m, 3m refers to the interior size with the .25, .50, .75 being the exterior dimensions. Thus 1 Kerbal per meter (perhaps cubic meters?) in interior area/equipment per crew number. If not, perhaps an effective standard to adopt in capsule design scale. Except for tourist class capsule space, stack them like firewood. I think Tosh mentioned in a post that he plans to resize and cut a hatch on his Gemini but is too busy with another project at the moment.
  15. Good to see this pack being version upgraded. On another note, and not to throw a wrench in your plans, but in the Nova Update 2 thread it was pointed out that if Kerbals are 1 meter tall then the 1 meter pod is not a believable carrier of Kerbalnauts. I would like to think a purpose for the 1m pod exists but I don't think it really needs a hatch unless it is for a purpose other than placing a Kerbal inside.
  16. In R/L automation was the primary mode of most spacecraft manuvers. Manual was in case of automation failure or for task beyond the level of automation at the time. Different levels of MechJeb ability would be interesting, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, in a campaign/research type of game could be a feature as well as Mechjeb failures that could happen to a mission.
  17. A well done concept with potential to be a plain, reliable workhorse for payload launches. My only dislike is that the discarding shroud makes a lot of pieces that I have to clean up. Later versions of the game may make this task easier but I would be just as satisfied if the shroud detached in just two halves.
  18. Posted by Terrabyte535 Today at 06:25:07 AM 'Could you change the prob cores so they don\'t display the guys inside in the corner?' I remember a Mechjeb U-tube Video in which the poster was using what he claimed was a Probodyne core that he had edited into a Mechjeb. It seemed to function as a Mechjeb and had no Kerbalnaut pics in the corner. I for one think it would be a perfect step for the Probodyne cores (which I use endlessly and MANY THANKS to Nova for such a perfect mod) and perhaps it\'s something the two mod makers will consider.
  19. It\'s a great pod and I can \'go\' with it wanting to re-enter nose first. I do wish it had a connection point on the \'top\' (not nose) so it would splash down horizontal (bottom side down) If the basic model was given a longer and sharper pointed nose, it would also look more like the old \'Planet of the Apes\' space ship.
  20. Looks more like an escape pod. Wonder if that could ever be implemented. All Kerbals abandon ship!
  21. Standard Command module 1 1. Seems way too small. 2. No top attachment point for parachute? 3. Is this a placeholder for an unmanned control pod or something?
  22. Greetings fellow Kerbalnauts! jpkerman reporting aboard. I have been lurking while in training and have finally joined to get aboard for .14 Proud to be a member of this fine outfit!
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