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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. 30 parts to be accurate My SPH is tier 1 indeed, I didn't start playing with action groups yet. I learnt a lot in this thread, a lot of stuff to add to my todo list. Thx.
  2. I didn't think about VTOL indeed, these are quite fuel-consuming, aren't they? But yes, it could be a solution. I still have to test how they can handle some extra load and what is their range (considering the cost of vertical take off and landing). What do you mean by "use RCS and lights" (are RCS powerful enough? why lights?)
  3. Interesting, I wasn't aware you could that easily edit the save files. BTW I tried the FMRS mod (as suggested in another answer) but when I switch back in time to control the second vessel, the crew is insta-killed :/ Dunno what I am doing wrong. Anyway, I will use the "circle around while the lander touchdown", dropping the lander at very low altitude and it's gonna make it. Actually the procedure by itself is not that important, I mostly needed to understand why my vessel and crew disappeared. It's quite clearer right now. The idea is to drop stuff (manned or not btw) on locations where an aircraft couldn't actually land. The idea is really to air drop something, landing would be cheating in my case But of course, there are certainly better ways to achieve the same thing but that's the "20km garbage collector" thing that was bothering me.
  4. Amazing job, I love this texture pack! Thx.
  5. Great, So it's not a bug or a noob error but actually a game feature. Thx for the confirmation. So if I get it right, to be sure that my vessels are not concerned by the "garbage collector", I must be sure that either: - the two vessels remain close enough; or, - the vessel I am moving away from is in "stable state" (landed, or orbited). (- or I use a mod). So for my specific case (I am only launching the lander from the atmosphere), I should decouple low and fly over the landing zone (over and over) until the lander touches the ground; then I can fly back to the base. The FMRS Mod looks great regarding what I am trying to do, I'll give it a try. Thx for the replies. Helped a lot understanding this. Now I will experience how close I should remain so that the lander is not considered as a debris... is it 2.5km for sure? I read that somewhere but I don't know if it didn't change recently. Moreover I observed losing contact with the second vessel after a longer time.. maybe ~25km?
  6. Hi guys; A silly question, I have a problem trying to launch a lander from an aircraft and I don't know why it is not working (inexperienced player here). Both are coupled when taking off the runway (with 2 distinct manned command modules). Then above Kerbin (~4000m) I decouple the lander (which deploys its parachute) and I remain in control of the aircraft to land it safely. After a couple of seconds/minutes, the lander disappears (console says debris crashed / crew killed).. If I remain in control of the lander instead (switching right after decoupling), the lander lands cleanly and the aircraft (marker in the sky) eventually disappears.. console says that the crew was killed, no mention of the vessel (which DID NOT crash).. The point is, if I manage the land the aircraft ASAP, remaining as close as possible to the land site (and the lander under chute), the lander doesn't "crash" nor disappear and I can do what expected: switching/recovering vessel or lander, even taking off and flying further, it doesn't matter anymore (as far as the lander actually landed, I guess). What am I doing wrong? Is it a game limitation? Any workaround? (KSP stock only - no Mods) Help appreciated. Thx. --
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