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  1. @MurdoxSo I tried all the suggestions here, and it made no difference unfortunately. Even when I switched to 4k res with all settings maxed, GPU usage went up to 99% but FPS were still around 12. When I got out of Kerbin orbit, FPS went up quite a bit so I suspect it's something to do with the reskin of Kerbin.
  2. Hey @Murdox I tried deleting the cloud layers as you suggested but it did nothing for my FPS. Still getting around 10-12. I noticed that my GPU is clocking at maximum but it is only being used at 60%, same with my CPU.
  3. Hm. Yeah I thought it was odd that I am getting such low FPS. AA is 2x, made no difference. Vsync is off, also made no difference. GPU utilization seems ok, it's at the right clock speed. Processor is an i5-3570k OC at around 3.4 Ghz. My system should be able to run this no problem, and yet it struggles. I will try 64 bit, that will hopefully help with the crashing.
  4. Hey everyone, I've been waiting for the release of this pack for a long time now so thanks Proot for your hard work. I just installed it on a vanilla 1.0.5 but the performance is really bad on my system, running a 980 Ti, I'm getting around 12 fps during launch and maximum 30 fps in space at 1440p. Any ideas on what can be done to improve framerates? What are you guys getting? Thanks
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