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  1. Dual joysticks sounds awesome! Yeah I kinda splurged on buying the HOTAS set considering I only played War Thunder with it briefly and other than that it has been gathering dust, time will tell if it is reliable or not I guess
  2. Hi there. I am building a high altitude plane for the first time. This plane takes of magnificently, the problem is that the second I touch the pitch the plane will flip and go into a full stall. Toggling caps lock for more precision doesn't help a bit. Neither does more reaction wheels. Does anybody have any ideas what could be wrong here? Might be a simple thing I am not getting since I am not very good at aircrafts (which is why I am building this). Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/SsOzT I can also upload the craft file if anybody wants to test it themselves.
  3. Those designs look awesome! Welcome to the forums!
  4. Not a new player, but new-ish to this forum as I've only asked a few questions regarding a mod here before. I just wanted to pop in and introduce myself! I'm Keez, I've logged to this date 367 hours in KSP. I've always had a fascination for space exploration and space in general. I have learned so much about orbital mechanics in this game / wonderful learning platform, but still not nearly enough! Anyway, that's me. Also in other news yesterday I hooked up my HOTAS Warthog and set the inputs in KSP. Flying works wonderfully, but I've yet to try docking with it. Guess I will get around to doing that today. Also kind of interested to what controllers other players use, so how about you?
  5. Oh now I feel stupid. Yeah sorry for the incomplete report on versions etc. My first time posting here Anyway I thought steam version was always latest version, seems I was wrong in that. I downloaded USI-LS and now it works! Thanks a lot you guys. I'll try to do better work when posting a question here next time!
  6. Hi there. I downloaded USI LS and USI KS yesterday. I have not messed around with the config files at all. I've built a lunar space station with KS parts, and brought along plenty supplies. There are currently 4 Kerbals aboard (3 vets and 1 regular) and yet none of them will eat. They have been out there for 17 days now. I was thinking that I might have installed it wrong, considering I don't even get up any LS button to watch their status on. Is there anything I have to do, other than drop it in gamedata? I am running the latest steam version of KSP and I am on a 64 bit system.
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