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Everything posted by Omikronlex

  1. I own an AMD CPU, therefore I don't have these options and I couldn't find anything similar for the AMD (but I also wasn't looking much, just skipped through the advanced chipset options). But I have to test that out with the "burn again after leaving kerbins SOI", that sounds interesting and I have the feeling that this will be the workaround for me too... hopefully ^^
  2. Hi Irvin, good to have some fresh input. I tested the debugging tool and I get the same message as you. I also looked at the performance tab and I had a little above 140 fps (as I set the fps limiter to 140fps due to my monitor's 144hz) and once I reach the critical spot, where the frame drops, it shows me that it drops down to 25fps, even though its pretty much exactly 3 fps. Also: When I leave the lagging rocket where it is and go to the space center, the space center is all fine with its 140 fps. I go to the tracking station and it shows me the kerbol system and still everything fine. But the moment I click on the "tracked objects" ship it drops fps to 3 again. if i leave the tracking station all fine again. So its only with the particular ship that has a bugged trajectory. But no matter how many ships I send into space, every single one has the critical spot. So the only thing I can do now is visit Mun and Minmus...... a lot.... .__. PS: Also tested it with 1.1 prerelease today, but same...
  3. Windowed mode without edge highlighting doesn't help. And not going only straight up results in the same problem, as Jens already said, I also had real useful crafts with lander + rover stuff , or parts from a space station or other stuff. Allways resulting in this bug. The "straight up" thing is only the easiest way to repoduce the bug and test, if it still occurs. Which it sadly does.
  4. Still occurs in 1.1.1. Playing with 3 fps whenever leaving for another planet / moon (except mun and minmus) isn't fun. I'll stop playing this game until it is fixed or someone can tell me about a workaround.
  5. I have the exact same issue. I completely uninstalled the game and deleted all left files. After a clean install still the same issue. Whenever you find a solution for this please reply because the game is unplayable in current state. Thank you.
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