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Everything posted by 050644zf

  1. https://weibo.com/2656274875/J0wkReBOL Official Confirmed: LM-5B with New Gen Manned Spacecraft estimated launch at 18 o'clock, May 5th, UTC+8 All rotation platforms opened Source: https://www.weibo.com/2669978942/J0vz5d0tF
  2. Middle Rotation Platform opened Source: https://weibo.com/3279752321/J0uXc5hMe From unknown source: Estimated launch at 18:06:37, May 5th, UTC+8
  3. 您好 有关PC(无mod)的游戏相关问题,请发布至Technical Support (PC, unmodded installs)板块,您不用删除此帖,管理员会移动至对应板块 您可以先在https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues/new 这里注册一个bug tracker账号并提交您所遇到的问题,以便您和开发人员跟踪该问题。 Hello! About PC issue without mod installed, please post in Technical Support (PC, unmodded installs), you don't need to delete this thread, moderater will move it to the right place. You can register a bug tracker account and post the issue u met first in https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues/new, to help you and devs track this issue.
  4. 在Bilibili阅读以获得最佳体验:https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv4473483 原网址: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190023-ksp-loading-deep-dive-on-the-breaking-ground-enhanced-edition-expansion/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/191160-ksp-loading-no-place-like-kerbin/ 翻译:M31的夜空,作者无敌AA 直升机部分顾问:Duck1998 ---------- 各位坎巴拉人们,新年快乐!在几个月的等待之后我们终于迎来了新一期的KSP Loading,那么话不多说,我们马上进入今天的KSP Loading! 坎巴拉太空计划PC1.9更新 当地球又完成了一次公转,作为人类的传统,这往往是总结过去,展望未来的好时机。在2019年,我们在PC上发布了数个主要更新以及一个内容满满的DLC,KSP主机增强版也得到了创造历史/破土重生DLC及一系列数量可观的免费更新。2020同样是各位坎巴拉人们值得期待的一年。1.9更新,作为新年的开门红,将不仅仅囊括了性能和画面提升,而且还有一些我们迫不及待地想要展示的全新特性。更别提KSP2以及我们所准备一些其它的惊喜了。时间关系我们重回话题,我们将着重介绍一些即将登上发射台的,在坎巴拉太空计划1.9:无处似家(Kerbal Space Program 1.9: No Place Like Home)更新中的全新玩意。系好安全带,我们该出发了! Moho & Dres 地形重制 我们继续重制我们的天体,在1.9更新中, Moho和Dres将得到全新的高清材质贴图和图像着色器。 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av85068475 Kerbin地形重制 此外,Kerbin也得到了视觉上的改进。在全新的高清材质贴图和超高质量着色器选项下,我们的母星看起来比以往更加美丽。 排放阀 在坎巴拉太空计划1.9:无处似家中有一个新部件能作为有可排放资源比如单组元推进剂、矿石、液体燃料、氧化剂或氙气的部件的排放阀。这个部件同时也允许你设定排放速率,毋庸置疑,这一定会是个好用的新特性。 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av85063848 部件重制 RE-M3 “主帆”液体燃料引擎 最大,也是最强的坎星大直径引擎之一,在今天得到了一次漂亮的重制。我们在说的当然,毫无疑问的是,极限火箭集团的RE-M3 “主帆”液体燃料引擎。在全新建模、材质和发热贴图的加持下,这个巨无霸引擎从未如此漂亮。此外在听取了你们的反馈后,我们还新增了中等和裸露样式。 RE-I5 “船长”液体燃料引擎 极限火箭集团RE-I5 “船长”液体燃料引擎也得到了我们美工团队的现代化改造。全新建模、样式、材质和发热贴图赋予了这款我们厚爱的中等尺寸引擎全新的面貌。并且在听取了你们的反馈后,我们添加了裸露和桁架样式。 BACC “强击”固体燃料助推器 拥有可靠的性能以及不错的价格,极限火箭集团的BACC “强击”固体燃料助推器一直都是让重型火箭腾空而起的人气之选。这款大型固体燃料助推器终于得到了重制以让它更好地配得上它在助推器中的地位。 便利特性 此外,坎巴拉太空计划1.9: 无处似家 将会包含数个便利特性,大部分来源于我们玩家的反馈。其中包括了:一个对时间加速系统的调整以解除在特定高度的时间加速倍率限制;一个全新的作弊菜单选项允许你在任何天体表面放置载具;研发科技树搜索框;一个全新的截屏模式允许你在按Esc暂停游戏时移动镜头,然后按F2隐藏UI,来拍下最佳画面。此外还有更多的便利特性,相信你们也同样会非常喜欢。 桨叶改进 破土重生DLC的螺旋桨叶将得到一些改进:添加了周期变距和总距倾斜盘控制。这将会极大地帮助玩家更好地控制他们的带桨载具,无论它是传统的单轴直升机还是类似无人机的四轴飞行器。我们很快将会有一篇开发日志来解释这些改进的细节,敬请期待。 DLC的新原版载具 在这次更新中,我们也将添加一个新的使用破土重生DLC部件的原版载具来展示我们如何有效地使用新桨叶。我们也添加了一些创造历史DLC的历史载具便于你快速访问。所以,无论你想要快速上手这些酷炫的新载具或是逆向工程它们来自己造一个,你都会非常享受它们的。 那么,这就是这期的KSP Loading,谢谢各位的观看!我们下期再见! 祝各位新年快乐,发射顺利!
  5. 本讨论串为官方KSP Loading的简体中文翻译更新串 将与我的b站账号@M31的夜空 的KSP Loading合集同步更新 可通过单击本串右上角 Follow 按钮,在账号注册邮箱中获取更新邮件 EN:
  6. Happy Birthday, Chang'e-4 and Yutu-2! Today is 1 year anniversary of the Chang'e-4 landing. Since Jan 3rd, 2019, Chang'e-4 and Yutu-2 have transmitted 7.23GB data. Yutu-2 has traveled 357.695m(1173.54ft), and broke the lunar longevity record, previously held by the Soviet Union's Lunokhod 1 rover. On Jan. 2nd, Chang'e-4 and Yutu-2 entered 13th Lunar Night and went into hibernation. Ref: https://weibo.com/3279752321/InKkqoPf4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yutu-2
  7. https://www.weibo.com/2656274875/ImKCh8CLS Launch Success! Solar Panel first extract success. Orbit parameter: 192.793km x 68016.791km, Inc 19.541°, Period 1351.038 minutes Solar Panel complete will completely extract on Jan 4th, 2020
  8. LM-5 Y3 CCTV News Live Stream now (with latency) https://live.bilibili.com/21686237 Estimated Launch at 20:48 UTC+8
  9. Another video of hover test from https://weibo.com/2280198017/Ig9URkky8 http://sjycdn.miaopai.com/stream/bFEQjrptV1q5YeY8NY5uqtp8FkK9UJOJipxnLw___32.mp4?ssig=f1918affe687d95c484fccfe1e3c1e5a&time_stamp=1573712828415
  10. It did go to the weibo post from CCTV News and CNSA about it, and there maybe connection problem of Weibo server if you can't load that. Now I replace all of them with imgur link
  11. https://weibo.com/2656274875/Ig9Ij3Brd https://weibo.com/5386897742/Ig9TssHhm Hovering test of China First Mars Lander, planned to launch in 2020
  12. Details of 2020 China Mars Mission Summary of member of Chinese Science Academy,Ye Peijian's Speech Mission Briefing - Probe Probe: Oribitor + Lander (Entry Stage+Mars Rover) Mission Briefing - Flights Launch by LM-5 in July/Aug, 2020, expected 7/23/2020 7 months transfer deepspace maneuver on 10/5/2020 Mars intercept on 2/11/2021 Orbiting Exploration Life: 1 Mars year (687 earth days) Orbit: 265km × 11943km inc 86.9° Payload: 7 exploration equipment Descending and Landing (EDL) Entry Mass: ~1285kg, including Mars rover: 240 kg Entry speed: ~4.8km/s Landing Area: 5°N - 30°N Rovering Life: 90 sol Payload: 6 Exploration Equipment Moving: active suspension, wheeling Communication: Inter-probe communication, earth communication Mission Briefing - Key Timing & Flights Stages TL;DR Mission Briefing - Structure Launch - Earth-Mars Transfer, Mars Orbiting - Decoupling - Landing stage - Parachute Opening - Damping structure extending after heat shield discarded - landed - mars rover deployed Entry stage: Hemispheric cone heat shield + Hemispheric cone back shield diameter 3400mm, height 2607mm Mars rover: 2000mm × 1650mm × 800mm Solar wings: "Butterfly" structure Mission Briefing - Capturing Process TL;DR Mission Briefing - EDL Process Aerobraking 90.4% (of entry speed) 4.8km/s -> 460m/s, ~300s Parachute braking 7.6% 460m/s->95m/s, 90s Powered decent 1.9% 95m/s->3.6m/s, 90s Damping 0.075%, 100m hovering, damping structure Terminal speed: Vertical< 3.6m/s Horizontal < 0.9m/s Mission Briefing - Communication & Comparison TL;DR
  13. According to weibo: http://weibo.com/3279752321/IayuajLZK Yuanwan-21 &Yuanwan-22 carrying Long March 5-Y3 rocket are ready to depart from Tianjin port to Wenchang port.
  14. According to first pic, are there light belts on the edge of new space suit?
  15. Today, CNSA held the meeting of Delivery of Scientific Data from International Payloads on board Chang'e-4 Mission and Announcement of Opportunities for Lunar and Deep Space Exploration. In the meeting, CNSA exchange data from the international payloads on Chang'e-4 with representatives from Sweden, German and Netherlands Besides, CNSA released some information of future mission. Chang'e-6 will have 20kg of international payloads, half of it on orbiter, other half on lander. Asteroid Probe Program is planned now, with 66.3kg of payloads and 200kg of nano-satellites soliciting. The Core Module of China Space Station is planned to be launched in the end of 2020. Source: https://media.weibo.cn/article?jumpfrom=weibocom&id=2309404362441680132436
  16. Long March-5 is ready to return. Source: http://weibo.com/6528178851/Hp0j0zFaD
  17. CCTV recently interviewed the main designer of China Lunar Exploration Project--Wu Weiren. About the relay satellite "Queqiao", he said: "American asked us: "If you want to launch a relay satellite, can you make it work longer? Besides, if Chang'e-4 land on the far side of the moon, can you placed a beacon on it?" I said ok we will, but why? Originally we have 3-year lifetime, and they want 5-year. (10 year estimated now). He answered: "We are going to the far side of the moon and we can use the relay satellite if it has longer lifetime. And we will know the landing position by the beacon." (Sorry for my poor translation) BTW, CNSA released some future mission of Chang'e series: In the end of this year , Chang'e-5 will take the lunar surface sample and return. Chang'e-6 planned to take the sample of the south pole of the moon and return. Chang'e-7 planned to explore the terrain, material, environment of the south pole of the moon. Chang'e-8 planned to further the exploration and test some key technology such as building lunar base with 3D Printing. Source:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pBr2GL3x3st-010tVaBmew
  18. Position of Yutu-2 now Relay Path Control Center is now sending command.
  19. Live streaming now! Chang'e-4 and Yutu-2 are going to take photo from each other. Streaming Link: (Chinese) http://live.weibo.com/show?id=1042152:0264ac5f9c53dd866581d49f9d1183c8
  20. New photos! 360° Photo captured by Chang'e-4 landscape camera. Azimuthal Projection Cylinder Projection Now the white balance is correct. You can see three 5m antennas, solar panel,and Yutu-2. BTW, Yuty-2 was awake at 20:00 Jan 10 UTC. Besides, CNSA has provided precise landing location to LRO team. We may see the image from LRO satellite soon. Finally, here is a photo captured by camera developed by Saudi Arabia on the micro satellite Longjiang-2 which released at the same time.
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