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  1. @linuxgurugamerDid a quick test by piling experiment and labs on the launchpad, can't reproduce the problem. It's a heavy mod save, with the CKAN version of Moar Station Science. Game launched without any problem. (YEAY !) @Jansn67I don't have any KerboKatz mod though, so it's probably the source of your problem Edit : Can't even start them manually on the launchpad, the game tell me to go to space. (Expected behavior I suppose) Edit 2 : @linuxgurugamer Did you include Fuel Science ? I notice I got a "Rocket Fuel Testing" experiment and, well, I can get approx 1400 science point from it just from the KSC. Especially easy with "Kerbin Environmental Institute" ^^'
  2. Hi, got a similar problem too. Mods installed : StationScience + ZeroMiniAVC (Ckan) I get stuck on the verifying expansion part of the loading, don't have anything written though. (Had to alt+f4 the game after a while) KSP.log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/gmo7d47uycfdxeq/KSP.log?dl=0 Edit : Forgot to say it's a fresh install too.
  3. Except Contract Configurator, I don't have any mods interacting with contract except by adding some. (Like Station Science Continued)
  4. Hi, got a little problem with contract actually. (KSP 1.3.1) I got "Low Resolution Scan" contract for Mun and Minmus, but they keep appearing and disapearing in the blink of an eye, so impossible to decline or accept them. Do you have any idea ?
  5. It seems CKAN wasn't updated, it's still listed as 1.3.1 instead of 1.4. Any news about that ? (If I understood, CKAN may have some lag to update so I don't know if it's that or something else)
  6. EDIT : Nevermind, problem solved after a CKAN refresh. It seems it didn't install the last version when I reinstalled my mods. There is some problems on my side. The GroundConstruction-Core is in the list now, but when I install GroundConstruction while the GC-Core is installed, Ckan try to overwrite some files from the GC-Core : GroundConstruction/GroundConstruction.version GroundConstruction/KitResources.cfg GroundConstruction/Icons/applauncher-icon.png GroundConstruction/Icons/toolbar-icon.png GroundConstruction/Plugins/GroundConstruction.dll GroundConstruction/PluginData/GroundConstruction/GroundConstruction.glob If I delete them manually, the file is still registered to GC-Core, so no install possible. Or maybe i'm doing something wrong, don't know. I tried to reinstall all of my mods, no change.
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