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Danilo Coelho

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  1. Today is Kerbalflix for me, watching all those vids! I'm glad I dont work today!
  2. Kerbal Space Program 2: Finding Fun in Failure - IGN Kerbal Space Program 2 will "achieve things we haven't seen in video games before" | Eurogamer.net
  3. Sunny and hot as hell in basically every corner of Brazil.
  4. I guess it was a maketing stunt to viralize the photo and the kps event.
  5. Hi guys, so, I've been away for some time and reinstalled KSP last night. I was trying to place some of the Atlas parts on the ground but I couldn't find a way. Do you guys know a solution?
  6. So... is this going to be an alterative for Gound Construction or just for OSE Workshop?
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