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pogo protie

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Everything posted by pogo protie

  1. THANK YOU MIKKI for this great great great mission. i still a newbro in KSP. coming from old school orbiter does help a lot tough.. but i really fell for this long adventure.. this will be hard to top i gotta admit
  2. all right , so i don't know what was wrong, but i got tired so i deleted all my saves, restarted the mission from scratch and just landed 30 seconds ago and it went ok this time. back to new adventures for bob
  3. well... im lost, i just re did it all the way. landed 2.5 km away form the target and i have 0 velocity but its not turning as a check mark. what im doing for far is deorbiting with a impact point a little bit passed the HAB. when getting closer, burning a bit to get it real close. then opening the chutes with gear down. dumping the engine, switch to it and somewhat land it. then watch the probe land on its own inside the 12 km but i don't know what's wrong.
  4. interesting idea to retract the legs. I actually had to reload a quite far old save point because i realized on the ground that you have to really inspect the vehicle before leaving kerbin to make sure you have everything.. hopefully it works. will let you know when i get a chance to play
  5. hello, thanks miki for the great mission. trying to do this mission, i landed the kres V supply probe close to the hab and don't see the ticker going green.. can you tell from the screenshot what i did wrong. this was taken 10 seconds after the landing. the engine was dropped when i was at around 2000-3000 altitude thanks again for this very cool mission
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