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    Priest of the Evil Frog God (Repent, frog food!)

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  1. Sorry for a bit of a hiatus there, my cat pushed my server system at our home off its nice neat shelf and wrecked its old HDD, so I spent the last month or two in data recovery mode. Regarding Kopernicus: Next release will be dropping soon, and it will be mostly under the hood stuff to support upcoming features and maybe slightly improve performance. No new features on the stable build most of you use just yet, but... There will be a prerelease version as well testing some new requested features (not quite comfortable with mainlining them just yet). The most prominent one is a long requested backlogged feature that is a lil bit evil: land scatters that can kill kerbals! PS: Don't worry, this new feature is for planet pack creators and won't just randomly poof your kerbonauts out of nowhere. Old packs and packs without this new node will have the same friendly scatters as ever. I'm just adding commonly requested stuff, heh.
  2. We do kind of need a replacement for Sigma's suite of mods (rescale too) as they are all essentially abandoned and all-rights-reserved makes them hard to adopt. I will be watching this with interest.
  3. New in this latest version release-198: 1.) Bugfix for incorrectly dark exported Kittopia Heightmaps. They are now set with an appropriate darkness floor. Rejoice people who use Kittopia! 2.) That's it, yes I know it's not much. Yes I know I also have a feature request backlog. I'll likely get to those next release. Which may be a lil bit due to a lot of work in real life. In the meantime, enjoy the patch. See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.
  4. I made a build of this that is not dependent on the new library (that for some reason performs awful), but integrates this following commits from the newer codebase: https://github.com/KSP-TaxiService/CommNetConstellation/commit/e6b5d772e5980a5fb0b2e3f59e5bd38ee73d2160 https://github.com/KSP-TaxiService/CommNetConstellation/commit/098e32903b14661a6e12b09d4b4ac2af3133a977 Between those two, it seemingly deals with the nullref, and unlike the new beta releases, performs excellent too (the new beta releases perform very poorly with a large number of vessels. The source code can be considered the same base repo, built from commit 098e32903b14661a6e12b09d4b4ac2af3133a977 before the API dependency was a hard requirement. GPLv3 license as always. Find it on this issue, at the bottom as a link: https://github.com/KSP-TaxiService/CommNetConstellation/issues/8 https://github.com/KSP-TaxiService/CommNetConstellation/issues/8#issuecomment-1913682110 See above.
  5. I agree. I'd offer but I'm tied up with Kopernicus, and probably lack the appropriate aerodynamic knowledge anyways. We really need somebody though.
  6. Yeah most of my ModuleManager patches border on the extremely basic... it's a skill issue really, I don't do well at those patches at all. If anyone knows how to make it work with B9PS I'd welcome a pointer or PR, because frankly I don't know how to do that. If the half thrust patch fails, it's not critical just remember to set thrust limit on solid boosters mainly, because they can and will incinerate themselves in the atmo. That was the objective. Glad it hit the mark in that regard.
  7. Yeah, you caught me... this is basically my scientific excuse for a cheat to actually make it to Duna... lol. A 10x or similar pack would certainly go hard the other way, but that's sorta been done before.
  8. Let me try a run real fast. I use PlanetInfoPlus for reading ASL surface gravity and it never showed more than 0.45x gees gravity. But maybe I packaged something wrong (separating this from my modstack was a bit of a feat). Will check right now. That could be part of the issue, this mod relies on some very recently added facilities to do density calcs on the bodies at game setup. You'd need to start the game with a fairly modern Kopernicus in the first place. I don't remember the release number off hand, but probably in the last month or so should be fine. This actually sounds like the standard surface gravity accelartion rate of 1 gee in m/s. I think you messed up with an old Kopernicus and will have to start fresh, yeah. Sorry I wasn't clear on that, I'll amend the notes in a moment. EDIT: Yep, check this album out: https://imgur.com/a/cRn8FQD That's how a proper install should be, geeASL and deltaV wise. Try deleting your Kopernicus folder completely and making sure you have a fresh install of the latest, maybe?
  9. I don't have an exact metric but I do feel it is probably close to if not a little harder than stock given the much larger radius, but lower gravity. Of course getting to other bodies is harder given the distance. If I knew how to calculate it I'd get some metrics, as it is I'll do some research crafts and get back to you. For the atmopshere on Kerbin I have not tweaked it at all, it's something I want to do but I lack a good enough understanding to really mess with it beyond knowing that the planet could theoretically hold onto a nitrogen-oxygen atmopshere here at this distance. My guess is in the real world it may be less dense though, yeah. The truth is Kerbins atmosphere in stock is already somewhat short at where it "terminates", so that part is probably already ok. What would need to be changed most for accuracy is the density gradient and maybe just overall density of it and like I said, I don't have the knowledge to really do that correctly. PR's welcome though.
  10. Someone encouraged me to post my personal mod config, I've been playing with this for some time and just now I am posting it. Presenting: RDK A Realistic Density Kerbolar System config pack for KSP/Kopernicus License: UnLicense Source Downloads (Just unzip the zip to your KSP directory once you have satisfied the dependencies) This mod does the following things: 1.) Rescales the stock sun to represent a fully physically/graviationally/density correct spectral type G6V star, using OhioBob's wonderful KSPAtmoCalculator excel doc. 2.) Rescales all stock bodies to 5x their current radius. 3.) Furthermore, all planets (not moons) orbits are moved to 10x their orbit from the center G6V Star. (Amazingly the math here works out to have perfect solar output for Kerbin, unlike stock). 4.) Moons are moved to 5x their original orbital distance. 5.) Kopernicus's density calculator facility is then used to generate realistic masses/densities/surface gravities, etc for all objects. (Yes, this results in all objects having a lower ASL gravity, Kerbin is about ~0.45x normal). 6.) To represent Kerbal development in a lower gee environment, engine/RCS thrust output is halved and if a reliablilty mod like Kerbalism is used, burn time+ignitions doubled. Kerbals can also not jump any higher than usual on Kerbin, as their jump strength has been multiplied by 0.45x to represent the new surface environment. 7.) If Principia is present, retrobop modification is applied to keep Jool stable (may not be needed but better safe than sorry). 8.) To ensure the worlds are not entirely flat at this rescale, landscape height is raised a bit (technically x1.25) and the PQS level is raised a 2 levels. Required mods are Kopernicus & SigmaDimensions You'll get a better experience if you add the following optional mods: EVE (Volumterics work too), Scatterer, Parallax, Kronometer (Custom Calendar is explained in zip of release), uses 24h days. If you want to play "hard mode" try adding Principia (it works and is how I play!) When starting a game, always set Kerbal Gee Tolerance to 0.5x for best experience. Also, Only use Terrain Preset high in Settings or Parallax may spaz out, plus I didn't setup any other presets. Screenshot time (these may contain some of the optional mods + nonstock parts, but nothing commercial, see bottom of post for links to more barebones screenshots): Barebones Screenshots (No optional mods): https://imgur.com/a/73GMwKC All optional (sans commercial) mods screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/den8jEy Thank you for reading, I personally use this mod so feel free to report issues and I'll be happy to fix them! As you can tell, I'm very much not past Minmus yet in actual gameplay so there could be some, lol! -RTB EDIT: Astrogator DeltaV calc screenshots added here (zoom):
  11. New in this latest version release-197: 1.) We have added fallback behavior for proper loading if a planet pack doesn't like the new HomeWorldName option, or is not updated for it, in particular cbNameLater users (Sorry about that RSS users). See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.
  12. Just for users info we have discovered the latest HomeWorldName changes don't play well with existing mods using cbNameLater. Most will probably update shortly, but for an example of how users can fix this fairly simple issue, here is an example MM config for RSS. Just drop in a .cfg file anywhere in GameData: @Kopernicus_config { HomeWorldName = Earth }
  13. I never use Kerbnet but I'll look into it as it does appear it is a legit issue. Thanks for the report. Also, the new release has been promoted to stable, plus a bugfix to go with it: New in this latest version release-196: 1.) At some point recently, a bug was introduced that made Kopernicus_Config parameters hard if not impossible to patch with ModuleManager. This has been fixed. 2.) As the new planetary option code seems stable after a day of playing with it, we are marking this release as stable. Do keep in mind some mods need to be made aware of this new option for it to work with any value other than "Kerbin." Scatterer is one such case. PRs incoming. See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.
  14. New in this latest bleeding edge prerelease version release-196 RC1: 1.) Added Kopernicus_Config.cfg option HomeWorldName, a string, default set to "Kerbin." This option enables you to for the first time ever, to have a homeworld and KSC at something other than a body named "Kerbin" by changing this simple option, without mucking about with displayName, or worse, cbNameLater, a deprecated option. cbNameLater will likely be removed in the near future if this works well. 2.) Note you can't just randomly swap your homeworld, you need to edit in a KSC into your target site like always. This feature is more for pack authors. 3.) Because this change involved a lot of restructuring of Kopernicus (which for years, has assumed the homeworld will always be "Kerbin"), this is a bleeding edge testing release for at least a few days. See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.
  15. There are a lot of things that run within 100m of the terrain to prevent a bug known as the "Sinking bug" that occurs on anything more distant from the center sun than stock Eeloo (basically you would previously sink into terrain on those bodies randomly and die, lol). These will affect performance slightly, but shouldn't be too heavy. I think it's more likely that there is some issue with the pack in question, again. Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck. If you want to risk the sinking bug at the possiblility of improving performance, you can try turning off Kopernicus GUI option "DisableDistantColliders" to disable such bug fixes that run within 100m of a body. Also, new release. This one just contains an option to help some our planet packs with truly interstellar grade ranges: New in this latest version release-195: 1.) Add option TrulyMassiveSystem, which trades some optimizations and potential bugs for working better with well, Truly Massive Systems. Helps stabilize manauever nodes in such environments. Small performance hit. Default false. 2.) The above option was not added to Kopernicus GUI because it is really more for pack authors. Find it in the Kopernicus_Config.cfg file after a run of the game. See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.
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